Marcello Milteer

Sr. Designer + Marketer / Podcaster / Cryptocurrency Advisor
$ 37,756,804
Projects Raised
United States
About Marcello Milteer
Hi, I'm Marcello, an award-winning creative with 12+ years of designer experience with a strong background in marketing. Specialist in brand development, messaging, and investor marketing. My experiences and education have bolstered my inquisitive nature while integrating principles of multiple disciplines in my process. Involved at various stages throughout the project lifecycle from analysis through to deploy, my experience has given me great perspective on how to work effectively in any role. In addition, I am an influential Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Investor, Advisor, and Evangelist. I have appeared in Huffington Post, RT Media, and Crunchbase for my work in marketing, cryptocurrencies, and entrepreneurship.
  • Texas State Technical College
Associated ICOs