Hundred Finance

Hundred Finance

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Hundred Finance is a decentralized application (dApp) that enables the lending and borrowing of cryptocurrencies. A multi-chain protocol, it integrates with Chainlink oracles to ensure market health and stability, while specializing in serving long-tail assets.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Beethoven X
    HND/USDC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1107
    $ 5.18 K
  • Beethoven X
    HND/FTM % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1109
    $ 7.33 K
  • SpookySwap
    HND/0X21BE370D5312F44CB42CE377BC9B8A0CEF1A4C83 % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1183
    $ 1.355 K
  • Balancer V2
    HND/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.2286
    $ 220.09
  • Beethoven X
    HND/DAI % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 1.65
    $ 78.03
  • Uniswap (Arbitrum One)
    HND/0XFF970A61A04B1CA14834A43F5DE4533EBDDB5CC8 % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 339,392,800,499,330,010,613,088,326,701,696,737,181,607,969,947,648.00
    $ 103.50
  • Uniswap (v3)
    HND/USDC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 1,044,525,368,526,199,980,032.00
    $ 7.49 K
To be announced
40% of HND is assigned to the project treasury for liquidity, partnership mining and protocol bootstrapping
20% of HND is allocated to the development fund and operations, subject to a 4-year vesting schedule
20% of HND is granted to Compound DAO, also with a vesting schedule of 4 years, as an acknowledgement of the significance of the smart contracts on which Hundred Finance is based
20% of HND goes to the Percent (PCT) token migration with 90% of the HND subject to 1-year of vesting
Weitere Details

Über Hundred Finance

Since the explosion in popularity of the decentralized finance ecosystem in 2020, borrowing and lending platforms have become core infrastructure within the cryptocurrency space. Not only do they provide users the ability to “hodl” or leverage their crypto assets, obtaining liquidity from their investments (a crypto-backed loan) while simultaneously earning interest, they also underpin the workings of many other protocols. The movement of assets from the Ethereum mainnet to EVM-compatible blockchains and scaling solutions has only emphasized their importance. Platforms that grant the ability to borrow and lend are one of the key applications users look for on any emerging chain. Hundred Finance aims to play a central role in provisioning borrowing and lending services in this new multi-chain world, granting the ability to earn yield and borrow assets to a growing number of users in a trustless, secure, and economically efficient manner.


Hundred Finance first launched on Ethereum’s Kovan testnet in late-June of 2021. Following a two-month period of extensive testing, it was then soft-launched on the Ethereum mainnet in preparation for the generation of the HND native token. With the platform and token up and running, the fully-enabled Arbitrum version of the Hundred Finance dApp was deployed and the distribution of HND started.

In December of 2021, a vote-escrow governance token mechanism was implemented using contracts developed by Curve Finance. This addition facilitated direct community involvement in the emission of HND through the use of stablecoin staking contracts known as gauges. These gauges receive a quantity of HND each epoch (one-week period) based on votes cast by our multichain mveHND (mirrored vote-escrow HND) governance token holders.

The distribution of HND is ongoing, as the broadening of the ownership of our governance token and the platform’s usage are the principle means by which Hundred Finance is acquiring a decentralized, community governance structure and the ability to function as a trustless provider of borrowing and lending services.

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