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HOGO is a Web3 encryption solution for apps and messengers with a built-in wallet and DiD NFT feature
To be announced
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Über Hogo

In the modern world, when most of our lives are concentrated on instant messengers and social networks, we always have a choice - convenience or privacy.

HOGO, with the help of Web3 technologies, avoids this difficult choice. HOGO acts as an add-on to the most popular Web2 apps and services. Thanks to HOGO Wraps, you can encrypt your messenger messages, Google Drive files, and more.

Your messages and files will not be available for the service. For decryption, it will be enough to enter the private key. In addition, HOGO provides a decentralized tool for cross-platform identity verification - HOGO ID.

Verification NFT is stored on the wallet and can be confirmed with a microtransaction at any time. With HOGO ID, you can verify user identity across all platforms and profile access from one interface. As for governance, HOGO is planning the implementation of DAO for enhanced security and more transparent governance.

Hogo Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Yurii Melashchenko
Andrey Zubko

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