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Welcome to the community of Hip Hop Doge. How far do you think the Metaverse is imprinted in our daily lives?
Communication from sound wave, morse code, telegraph, cell phones to internet and social media happens within the last 10 years of 19th Century, it has been brilliant evolution since.
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Limit 80.00
Harte Kappe 100.00
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Über HipHopDoge


HIP HOP DOGE is a new cryptocurrency token to be the biggest and coolest music-influenced Doge on the market. The goal is to bring famous artists such as Davido, Lil Yachty, and Soulja Boy. Huge celebrity endorsements are seeing the new HIP HOP DOGE crypto climb quickly, prompting even more traders to invest. So, here’s the need-to-know info on the HIP HOP DOGE price, how to buy it, and the ticker symbol to look out for.

Marketing is KEY for HIP HOP DOGE to succeed. This is why we are partnering up with Rappers to get our name on people's Spotify playlists.

In this era, interaction is vital for the next evolution to occur, especially made obvious with the Sar-Covid situation. Travelling became an issue due to restrictions and of course low cost efficiency. This project has the Metaverse in sight and wants to promote the progress of the next revolution. Hip Hop Doge has a goal in mind for the Metaverse concert, Music NFT and a platform for undiscovered talents to be able to get an opportunity to showcase their passion and pride. We have seen Youtube, TikTok done those brilliantly, but the Metaverse world has yet been discovered or unveiled.

Hip Hop Doge isn’t limited to Hip Hop genre, but of course the team has deep love for hip hop. There are more ecosystem to bring to the
table and the platform. Metaverse is truly limitless.

Safe Environment
The contract is restricting us as developer team to perform any kind of viscous act. Restricting the ability to use blacklist function, pause trading, set ridiculous tax or transaction limits.
Tokenomics is simple and straight forward for the launch, It would be 2% Liquidity & 5% marketing.

Marketing Plans
Basic exposure of the token & for others, Stay tune to the TG announcements.

HipHopDoge Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Ryo Gold
Mark Diamond
Tommy Gem

HipHopDoge Letzte Nachrichten

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