HELIX Metaverse

HELIX Metaverse

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HELIX is a natively social multiplayer experience. Players can play various competitive game modes together or simply hang out in lounges or bars throughout the city, meeting new groups of friends.
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Über HELIX Metaverse

H.E.L.I.X. (Hyper Expansive Lifelike Interoperable eXperience) is a high-fidelity metaverse platform built around the core pillars of immersive graphics, true digital ownership, and player-owned economy.

Virtual items within HELIX (vehicles, clothes, weapons, properties, etc.) have a fixed supply, are backed by NFTs on the Ethereum/Polygon network, and can be freely traded between players.

Players can explore a vast virtual city, socialize with others, create and sell items, trade and build on properties, and play various game modes.

HELIX is built on Unreal Engine 5 and the Ethereum blockchain, and uses the Polygon network for in-game transactions. HELIX is being developed by Hypersonic Laboratories, a venture-backed startup based in Los Angeles.

High-fidelity graphics are an absolutely necessary part of establishing the degree of immersion that we are expecting the metaverse to deliver.

HELIX features unparalleled visuals and simulation across every aspect including environments, characters, vehicles, clothes, accessories, buildings, and more.

Non-fungible tokens on the blockchain allow anyone to easily verify the authenticity and ownership of a digital asset.

Items within HELIX are backed by NFTs. No one can copy or steal your original item without your permission. Once you own the item, it's yours forever.

Unlike traditional games where microtransctions and in-game items are created and sold by the publisher and all respective profits go directly to the publisher, HELIX features an independent economy where players buy and sell items between other players.

We are building HELIX with the goal of being able to support millions of players, and are choosing technologies and infrastructure that allows us to easily scale to that degree.

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