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The HAY FEVER platform aims to be a one-stop shop for all P2E Erc-20 Token gaming information. Gaming platform to list, advertise & promote Erc-20 Token P2E games.
To be announced
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The HAY FEVER platform aims to be a one-stop shop for all P2E ERC-20 Token gaming information. You must hold a certain amount of $HAY tokens to be eligible for special platform perks, spotlight listings, and engagement giveaways.

Instead of launching just another “INU”, we decided to bring an original idea to the DeFi space. Safely trade $HAY tokens at your free will while the platform is constructed. Intensive feedback from the community will be necessary to move forward. This platform is for the community and will be built that way.

Advertising & Promotion

Our platform will offer advertising opportunities for Tokens to market their games. Including trending services. We will have a special weekly spotlight to showcase new games. A user-voted “pick of the week” will be chosen as well. We want to promote the tokens&games that a community is behind. This isn’t a “promote anyone who sends in a payment” type of platform. Quality over quantity is important to us. Safety to potential investors is important to us. At the end of the day, it’s all for the greater good
of the MetaVerse gaming community.


On our homepage, we plan on having a top 5 trending game list. This will be updated every two hours. Trending games/projects will be determined by volume levels, current popularity, and social media sentiment. The trending list is meant to hold truth and not just be a “buy your way in” list. This will require constant monitoring of games and will become a community effort to determine legitimacy.


This is where we will rely on our Community helping each other. We don’t personally plan on playing every game and giving our own write up on each. We will take community reviews for games and put together a rating system based on a number of reviews. This way will gather legitimate opinions from multiple people, non-biased. The community members who participate will be able to enter special giveaways for ETH prizes.


Which games give the best perks/rewards? We will host a dedicated section to show earn ratio per game. This will be a frequently updated section to ensure users can find the best bang for their buck.

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