Harvest Chronicle

Harvest Chronicle

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Harvest Chronicle is a fusion of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) technologies.
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Über Harvest Chronicle

Harvest Chronicle is a fusion of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) technologies, allowing players to own their in-game assets, and players can earn benefits by playing for token rewards. The vision of HCC is to bring thousands of gamers into the world of blockchain and to explore new forms of gaming through blockchain technology.

We are committed to making Harvest Chronicle to The Next Generation DAO Metaverse Simulation GameFi On BSC, so that players can really "Play to Earn", Harvest Chronicle will change the fragmented model of traditional game where multiple parties are on their own and connect every participant together in GameFi. Based on BSC and NFT, it clarifies the ownership of virtual assets and initially builds a shared value network.

Players can enjoy the game, participate in it, and also get the corresponding income to build together. Harvest Chronicle team provides an open environment for the game, pays full attention to community opinions, puts the interests of players first, and grows together with players.

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