Gunstar Metaverse

Gunstar Metaverse

Created using Figma
is a cyber-prone game for professional gamers or any kinds of users to test their skills and corporate with their correspondents in an attempt to create the “ultimate-high” shoot, or even have the golden opportunities to engage in so-called whirlwind intellectual games to gain unforgettable victory.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    0X7EDC0EC89F987ECD85617B891C44FE462A325869/BUSD vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0754
    $ 166.266 K
    0X7EDC0EC89F987ECD85617B891C44FE462A325869/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0742
    $ 71.357 K
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Gunstar Metaverse

Gunstar and Fantasy Starworld will also imbue players with the experience of reality-based adventures, something that goes beyond what a mere tactic game usually offers. Enthusiasm, thrilling anticipation while playing are core to allure customers’ interest.

There is a legend that says, thousands of years ago, in the land of Fantasy StarWorld, people and creatures lived and accompanied each other to build a beautiful and peaceful world. However, over a thousand years ago, a technology was developed by humans that had the side effect, turning animals into monsters that were corrupted and ferocious. More and more, they are becoming stronger and gradually conquering the lands to destroy human civilization, taking the limit back to the primitive. However, there are powerful summoned beasts left that have not been affected by that ferocious power, still protecting humans or themselves. Humans learn how to be friends and companions with them, borrowing the power of summoned beasts and available technology, gradually becoming strong enough to be able to resist the destruction of that ferocious power those monsters And the story begins with the journey of humans gathering together to tame the summoned beasts, together to destroy the summoned beasts which transformed into monsters (Monsters) and save the human civilization in StarWorld.

Gunstar Metaverse Roadmap

  • Core Gameplay Development
    Smart Contract Development:


    NFT Pet
  • IDO
    Alpha Testing (Testnet)
    Closed Beta (Testnet)
    Release Gunstar v1.0
  • Release Gunstar v1.1
    Raid boss event

    Marketplace development

    Release Gunstar v1.2
    Arena Solo

  • Release Gunstar v1.3
    Chat system

    Renting system

    Arena team

    iOS verison

    Android verison

Gunstar Metaverse Mannschaft

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