

Created using Figma
Missed the lambo gains? GreenWaves offers a simple, safe and very powerful ecosystem with a ground breaking utility to grow your money in.
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Über GreenWaves

What is GreenWaves?

Simple & Secure

Audited with ZERO Vulnerability and a KYC from the founder to show our commitment.


Decaying Tax

Decaying Tax System for a strong tokenomics, and HODLER Building.


Liquidity Buff

Transaction fee's all go to the Liquidity pool for stability and long term growth


Made to MOON

Everything is made to boom the chart with our marketing orientated project.

Our Utility

Making GREENWAVES a form of online payment currency in every country.

Webshop domination $GRWV will soon be a ZERO FEE payment method which can be used at thousand of webshops across the world. Crypto and Real Life Bridge Experience the technology behind GreenWAVES, and buy goods to your house, or buy digital services with $GRWV, and save money in the mean time! Payment everywhere Use $GRWV as a form of payment in 195 Countries instead of Paypal, Square, Stripe, BitPay, Coinbase or CoinPayments transactions. Using $GRWV will be cheaper than checking out with any of the payment provides listed above which increases the need and usage of $GRWV

GreenWaves Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • CMC, CG Listings, Marketing campaigns and the start of creating GREENWAVES payments
  • Phase 2

  • Fee's set to zero, contract renounced, GREENWAVES payments are LIVE
  • Phase 3

  • Binance, Crypto.COM, Coinbase listings. Influencer marketing
  • Phase 4

  • GreenWAVES should have $1B market cap by this time, which is the right time to take profits.

GreenWaves Letzte Nachrichten

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