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evolutionary technologies that make us independent humans for a continuously livable planet
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Über GreenPlanetCoin


Is it possible to preserve our planet as an intact biological organism and at the same time create a nourishing living environment for all terrestrials?
Considering current prospects, this vision does not seem to be realistic. But it is always possible to defy conventions that determine our present supply situation.
With expanding markets and rising demands in quality, the supply of foods and consumer goods gets increasingly challenging.
So far, simple processes that enable a complete adding value of plant-based ingredients for human and animal nutrition. Thanks to the development work of GreenPlanet EnviroTec, these high-efficiency methods are now available and easily practicable.
Combining various innovative techniques allows us to maintain high cost/value efficiency and positive power balance at peripheral facilities. Thus it is possible to conduct complete substantial exploitation of the total vegetable mass.

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