Grand Shiba

Grand Shiba

Created using Figma
GrandShiba is one of the best crypto projects to date, integrating charity with cryptocurrencies for a more impactful future.
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Über Grand Shiba

With GrandShiba's clear roadmap and promising track record, this project is expected to become one of the fastest growing in no time! Don't miss out on owning your very own GrandShiba and enjoy rewards just for holding it! With GrandShiba's clear roadmap and promising track record, this project is expected to become one of the fastest growing in no time! Don't miss out on owning your very own GrandShiba and enjoy rewards just for holding it!


Holders are also rewarded using instant auto-staking of 8% of the transaction volume and they can seamlessly monitor the growth of their holdings in real-time.


Using the marketing wallet, the GS team pays for the campaigns using methods such as buying Press releases, connecting with influencers and much more.

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