

Created using Figma
GooseFX is an AMM platform built on the Solana blockchain with Serum's DEX, offering a variety of unique financial products to build a thriving DeFi ecosystem for global access.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • MEXC
    GOFX/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0890
    $ 442.915 K
  • LBank
    GOFX/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1148
    $ 190.379 K
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über GooseFX

We’re a team of individuals who have been in the cryptocurrency space for several years. We’ve seen the rise and fall of centralized exchanges and the cumbersome, slow, and unsafe trading environments they provide. That is why we decided to create GooseFX: an all in one place to trade your favorite digital and tokenized assets as well as yield farm them.

We choose Solana’s blockchain and ecosystem as we see the immense potential of the transactional speed versus any other chains we have studied and used. GooseFX is not just a decentralized exchange, but a place where people all over the world can connect to trade, farm, and not be burdened with archaic institutions. Our goal is to democratize and provide financial freedom to all.


P2P Yield Farming

Have you ever wanted to yield farm but don’t have enough collateral for both assets? We offer a peer to peer matching system that connects farmers who have Token A with Token B. For example, if you want to farm GOOSE-USDC pair but only have GOOSE tokens, we will match you with another peer who has the equivalent of USDC and you can share the upside together!

Tokenized Stocks

Have you ever wanted to trade stocks on the NYSE, NASDAQ, NIKKEI, or anywhere else in the world? With the power of decentralized technology you can trade these assets worldwide 24/7 with fast execution and low fees. Can’t own your favorite company’s stock due to geographical restrictions? No problem, we’re here to free finance, equally balanced, as all things should be.

Perpetual Swaps

Want the fast execution speed of Solana with low fees to trade your favorite digital assets with margin? We’ll take care of that too.

Options Trading

For the alpha, gamma, beta, theta...well you get the point. For the options traders who want a fast DeFi system to trade exotic and vanilla options, we’re here to help. This feature is under development and the release date is TBD.

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