Golden Currency

Golden Currency

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Letztes Update


Erstes Bargeld privates Geld für Blockchain, 100% gesichert durch Gold, und seine Infrastruktur für den täglichen Gebrauch, eine rechtmäßige und kostengünstige Verbindung zwischen Fiat und Krypto. Das Projekt umfasst die Ausgabe von Goldgeld, die Einrichtung eines globalen Bankennetzes mit Geldautomaten, Bankkarten, POS-Terminals und einen Krypto-Fiat-Währungsumtausch.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 250 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 IGCT
    1 USD
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 7 600 000.00 USD
  • 1 IGCT
    1 USD
Akzeptierte Währungen
Weitere Details

Über Golden Currency

Golden Currency is a project of the first cash money on blockchain, fully functional private currency, and convenient and efficient infrastructure for its use with utilization of modern technologies, including blockchain.

Otherwise, we are talking about creating an independent legal private analogue of the Central Banks, which uses the accumulated experience and modern technologies to ensure reliable and convenient money.

Here are just some of the advantages that a new currency will provide:

  • Existence in cash (paper, anonymous) and non-cash form;
  • Independence from the governments of any countries, political or economic situation in any country, but at the same time the complete legality of its functioning;
  • 100% backed by gold, the storage and management of which is carried out independently of the issuer; the owners of Golden have a guaranteed opportunity to get gold in exchange for Golden;
  • Use of modern blockchain technologies for currency infrastructure (starting from ensuring the independent and reliable storage of gold, and ending with the implementation of payments and currency conversion);
  • Convenient, fast and cheap conversion into any world fiat currencies and crypto-currencies (a link between fiat and crypto-currencies);
  • Familiar modern money infrastructure - ATMs, bank cards, POS- terminals, online banking, mobile applications, etc.

The entire infrastructure of Golden will provide its user with such conditions that it will not matter in which currency to keep his funds in terms of functionality. And if so, taking into account the advantages of the Golden currency, it will be favourably for the user to keep money in Golden, which is not subject to national risks and inflation.

The increase of the currency use, and therefore, the maximization of its turnover and the monetization of the project, will take place on the basis of ensuring and developing its competitive advantages.

The project is unique, there are no competing projects at the moment. There is high demand in the world for reliable inflation-free money.

Target users

  1. Individuals.

Use as a means of circulation, as well as a means of saving. Also useful under the conditions of high inflation, unstable financial and political situation, the lack of an opportunity to purchase gold as an investment instrument, the unrecognized state of residence, etc.

  1. Investors.

Golden, as a currency backed by gold is an excellent opportunity to save in gold and to obtain additional, passive income from the growth of the gold price while retaining all the advantages of owning fiat money and crypto currency - an excellent risk hedging tool used to diversify the portfolio.

  1. Cryptotraders.

The instrument of hedging crypto-currency volatility risk. At the time of the rates changing, the use of Golden as a currency secured by gold will allow to fix the value of the cryptoasset, and when the market turns back it allows to return into cryptoasset with minimal commissions. There is no need to transfer crypto-active assets to other fiat money, as Golden currency has advantages in comparison with them.

  1. E-commerce, legal entities and individuals.

A means of payment for goods and services, especially convenient for cross-border transactions. Given that gold, and therefore Golden, sets a clear equivalent of value, the Golden currency can be a convenient measure of value. Contracts can be fixed in Golden as an understandable and reliable currency.

  1. Emerging countries, unrecognized states.

Countries having hyperinflation face the challenge of ensuring stability and the availability of reliable circulation instrument. In this case, Golden can become a transition currency. For unrecognized states there is a similar problem of having reliable instruments of circulation, Golden can become such a tool that will allow the population of such countries to become part of the world market.




Pre-ICO-Token PGCT ist ein VIP-Token von Golden Currency, das seinem Eigentümer einzigartige Möglichkeiten und Vorteile bietet, wenn er Golden und seine Infrastrukturdienste während des gesamten Zeitraums seines Eigentums kauft, insbesondere:

  1. Kostenloses ICO-Token für jede PGCT.
  2. Kostenlose goldene Banknoten, die zum Zeitpunkt der Erstausgabe für jede PGCT mit Gold unterlegt sind (Einzelheiten zur Anzahl der PGCT für ein kostenloses Golden sind im Weißbuch angegeben).
  3. Nach der ersten Golden Emission wird die PGCT zu einem Discount-Token, der folgende Möglichkeiten bietet:
    а) Golden in Höhe der PGCT-Token bei jeder Golden-Emission mit einem Rabatt von 5% zu kaufen, b ) um VIP-Dienste zu erhalten, Ermäßigungen für die Nutzung der Goldenen Infrastruktur,
    c) andere Berechtigungen

Geben Sie den Code-Inhaber1239713 ein und Sie erhalten einen zusätzlichen Bonus von 3%.

Golden Currency Roadmap


  • Public discussion and finalization of the project. Website. White Paper. Seed round. The project team development
  • Q2-Q3 2018 - PRE-ICO. LEGAL ISSUES

  • Establishment of the final legal scheme, taken into consideration the possibility of tokens legalization as securities and ICO. Identification of the key project partners and terms of cooperation. Currency design
  • Q3 2018 - ICO

  • ICO. Tokens in 3 months are traded on cryptoexchanges.
  • Q4 2018 - THE BANK OPENING

  • The first branch of Golden Bank is opened
  • Weiterlesen
  • Q1 2019 - FIRST EMISSION

  • The first emission of the first global private currency Golden
  • Q1-4 2019 - INFRASTRUCTURE

  • The launch of the banking network, currency exchange, and their integration. Development of infrastructure (ATMs, multi-currency bank cards, etc.)
  • 2020+ - EXPANSION

  • Additional emissions. Global presence (banking network). Golden becomes a global currency and a number of countries recognize Golden as a reserve currency

Golden Currency Mannschaft

Verifiziert 67%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Willow Liu
Country Manager China

18 ICOs

$76 249 043

Quentin Herbrecht
Country Manager France


$5 200 000

Joylin Telagen
Country Manager Philippines
Dean Harry
Country Manager Australia


$210 000

Kamal Mustafa
Country Manager India
Hendra Kholis
Country Manager Indonesia
Sayed Ahmed
Country Manager Egypt (Arab region)
Nguyen Vo
Country Manager Vietnam
Ali Inanir
Country Manager Turkey
Juarez Weiss
Country Manager Portugal
Igor Chekun
CEO, Founder
Lev Voronov


Verifiziert 33%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

59 ICOs

$169 238 700

Naviin Kapoor
Advisor, Blockchain
Andrei Lipkin
Advisor, Golden Design and Issuance
Paul Glover

Golden Currency Interviews

Andrei Lipkin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am preparing circulation of crypto banknotes for Golden Currency OÜ (
What do you think about idea?
Large circulation of banknotes significantly reduce the volatility of the cryptocurrency. It is only necessary to print a large circulation of cash cryptocurrency and will distribute it among tens of millions of users far from the Internet and financial innovations in all countries of the world. This will significantly strengthen the cryptocurrency and make it much more attractive for investors. And together with other advantages of cash - uniquely will make it an attractive unified world cryptocurrency.
Besides, the banknote becomes a cold wallet for storing the nominal value of cryptocurrency indicated on it. No hacker will steal your investment from the electronic wallet of the banknote.
Quentin Herbrecht
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I take care of the communication and the management for France.
The project is becoming well known here and is attracting the attention of many investors for its many competitive advantages. In spite of the important number of ICO concerning a crypto-currency supported by gold, Golden knew how to differentiate itself on many points!
Joylin Telagen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the Country Manager Philippines. The future is Golden Currency, the first cash private money 100% backed by gold.
Dean Harry
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the Australian Country Manager for Golden Currency. I believe this project and team have the skills and knowledge to bring this vision to reality with the possibility of changing the financial world as we know it.
Kamal Mustafa
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Well, I am working as a valuable team member for Golden Currency and handling all the marketing and influencing opportunities within India. Along with that, I am working closely with founders in constant feedback and suggestions as an when required.

Well, I personally loved the idea. It is one of a kind in this space and I am very positive about it.
Hendra Kholis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Good project of Golden Currency
Nguyen Vo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm country manager of Golden Currency project. This is a really great project. I believe it will make a big difference in the financial markets of the world!
Igor Chekun
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
CEO and co-founder of Golden Currency. The idea of the project is evident and has maybe the largest potential of all the ICO projects that I know.
Lev Voronov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Founder of Golden Currency - First cash money on blockchain, 100% backed by gold.

Golden Currency Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 12
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen
News, reviews

Strengths: currency has several forms and is backed by gold. The market niche has strong potential. Clear understanding of target audience segments and their needs.

Weaknesses: no competitor analysis. The project may require negotiation of legal and other regulations, this will take time and resources. Marketing strategy needs detalisation; Twitter and Bitcointalk accounts should be more active. Only one advisor although it said in the WP that there is “a team of advisors”.

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