Gold Standard DAO

Gold Standard DAO

Created using Figma
A platform that combines decentralised financial tech with gold.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Gold Standard DAO

The gold standard DAO is a platform that combines powerful decentralised financial technology with gold. It is the first platform to be a host of new and innovating financial products that utilise vaulted, audited, insured, and verifiable gold bullion.


Yield optimisation in gold

Deposit Stablecoin USDC into the protocol, which then places funds in the best APR pool available at the time.

Self repaying loan in gold

The protocol allows users to get under-collateralised loans on their stablecoins, which are then put to work generating the astonishing yields available in decentralised finance (DeFi). Users are able to take a loan backed by future yield. There’s no risk of liquidation and the loans pay themselves back over a period of several years.

Gold backed NFTs

As part of the Gold Standard ecosystem, the protocol is launching soon its own collection of NFTs backed by gold. The design of the first series of NFTs will be gold masks.


The protocol is governed through a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) structure. The $GSD token is the governance token where holders can participate in the governance of the protocol.

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