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In the sea of scams and fakes - stay authentic!
To be announced
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Über Go2NFT

The corporate NFT platform that enables the labeling, certification and authentication of product originality.

When your brand matters, go to technology thatcannot be fooled.


The counterfeit market isprojected to be the fastest-growing end - use industry in the coming years.

The global market for anti-counterfeit packaging is projected to grow from USD 117.2 billion in 2021 to reach USD211.3 billion by 2026,at an estimated growth of 12.5%

The development of NFT technology may prove to be an opportunity to stop the problem of this scale.


A dedicated platform for creating branded, unique NFTs.


Use technology that takes the utility of NFTto the next level.

Unique NFTs can be created for the purposes of securing the authenticity and certification of products.

Skey blockchain is currently the cheapest platform on the market that allows you to generate tens of thousands of unique NFTs at a very low price.


You will be able to invest in the project using $SKEY tokens, which will be burned out after the closing of the investment phase.

This means a smaller supply of the SKEY token in circulation and a real utility of these tokens.


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