

Created using Figma
Geckolands is a game of NFTs whose main currency moves through the BSC Binance Smart Chain network, a universe where anyone can earn tokens through the improvement of their skills and the contribution to the ecosystem that aims to focus on taking care of the creatures, mate them and obtain unique creatures, and of course, play with them to obtain exclusive items and evolve them. Players can fight, collect, breed, and build a land kingdom for their pets.
To be announced
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Über Geckolands

All Geckos artistic assets and genetic data are easily accessible to third parties, allowing community developers to build their own tools and experiences in the Gecko universe.

Geckolands is a fun game that also has the characteristics of a social network and a work platform due to its strong community and the option to win opportunities that come from its initial success.

The big difference between Geckolands and a traditional game is that the inexpensive design of the Blockchain is used to reward our players for their contributions to the ecosystem. This new game model has been called "play to win."

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