

Created using Figma
Eine einzige globale dezentrale Ethereum + Blockchain-Plattform für Kunden im internationalen Bankensystem.
01.01.2018 - 01.05.2018
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
  • 1 GBCN
    25 USD
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details

Über GBCoin

Unsere GB Systems besteht aus mehreren Banken im Gebiet der Europäischen Union, Russland auch die Bank im Gebiet der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, und auch in Kürze wird unser eröffnet Ränge werden von einer Bank aus China ergänzt. Unser Finanzsystem entwickelt sich ständig weiter und zielt auf Verbesserung für unsere Kunden. Zu diesem Zweck haben wir uns in einem großen Weltfinanz-Netzwerk vereinigt, das Bankdienstleistungen für unsere Kunden und Leute anbietet, die Richtungen, die Währung von GBCoin, Kryptowährung-Börse GBMarkets - wo jede Person oder der professionelle Händler in der Lage sein wird, zu erhöhen die Hauptstadt, durch Handel an der Börse. Aus praktischen Gründen erstellen wir auch eine Geldbörse von GB Wallet mit allen Dienstleistungen eines Zahlungsdienstleisters. Sogar für die Erhöhung des Kapitals für die Kunden schaffen wir GB Fund, wo auf dem Vertrauen Management, der Klient den ziemlich guten Prozentsatz verdienen kann, der einmal pro Monat auf seine professionellen Händler aufgewendet wird. Unser Finanzsystem wird ständig jeden Monat erhöht, in den folgenden Büros in den verschiedenen Ländern werden weitere geöffnet, die erlauben werden, unsere Dienstleistungen dem Bürger dieses oder jenes Landes zu nutzen. Unsere Dienstleistungen sind allen unseren Kunden gegenüber loyal. Wir gewähren Verbraucherkredite, Autokredite, Hypothekenkredite, unter dem Mindestprozent, eröffnet Einlagen-und Anlagekassen, Einlagen auf Treuhandmanagement, Versicherungen mit großen Chancen, der Tauscher von Währungen, Zahlungssystem, es wird auch möglich sein, mit unserer Kryptowährung zu bezahlen GBCoin Taxi-Service in den verschiedenen Ländern, um für Touren bei Reiseveranstaltern zu zahlen, auf das System der Loyalität, um die Möglichkeit zu erhalten, Rabatte und Cash-Back in Lebensmittelgeschäften von Partnern und viele andere Dinge zu erhalten. Mit uns haben Sie alles in einem System und es wird nicht notwendig sein, sich an Strukturen von Drittanbietern zu wenden. Convenience und Qualität für alle Kunden. & Nbsp;


Grande Finance (Russland)

Plastikkarten Visa, MasterCard, Union Investment Einlagen, Depot. Versicherung. Kredit. Wohltätigkeitsstiftung.

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Grande Bank (Europa)

Plastikkarten Visa, MasterCard, Union. Anlagedepots. Depotkonto Versicherung. Autokredite. Hypothekenkredit Verbraucherkredite Wohltätigkeitsstiftung.

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Venture Fund Arbeiten an Trust Management Finanzen, auf dem Konto.

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Der Austausch von Kryptowährungen mit TOP20 von Weltkryptowährungen.

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GB Network a? regulator auf Freigabe Bankkarten

Visa, MasterCard, Union zahlen. Multicards Marketing Network Richtung.

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GBCharity Foundation

Helfen Sie Kindern, Behinderten, älteren Menschen, bedürftigen jungen Familien, alleinstehenden Müttern und Vätern.

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GB Brieftasche

Kalte Geldbörse für die Lagerung von Mitteln: Kryptowährung, Dollar, Euro, Rubbel, GBP.

Technische Information

The token of GBCoin (GBCN) will become a basis of our financial system. Owners of a token will be able to use him for commission of all purchases and fees of all financial system around the world of GB, and also the partner companies in the platform. In January, 2018 we will enter on the GBCoin (GBCN) market on the cryptoexchange which can be purchased in our system. This token will be legalized by means of all necessary procedures as Stock security of our financial system GB Grande Bank, GB Grande Finance, GB Markets, GB Network, GB Social, GB Trade, GB Fund, GB Royal Polo Club, GB Port Russia. What gives huge opportunities for each our client

What gives you GB Systems

The Banking sector, in the different countries.
Cryptocurrency exchange.
Venture fund.
Broker company.
Purse for storage of means.

We will allow:
You the holder of GBCoin crypto - events of system, its cost constantly grows. You saw on the platform of the Internet or personally expensive goods: The apartment, the car, the site with the house, giving or other goods which you would like to purchase, but for you are expensive purchase and here the accurate decision is necessary and well deliberated before to purchase it.
Here also our GB Systems system enters. You the holder crypto - events of system come to us and you say that you would like to purchase these or those goods without putting or without selling our crypto - the stocks GBCoin, we in turn your purchased crypto - events transfer to GB Fund Venture venture fund where they begin to work for you. We block this contribution to GB Fund as a refund guarantee to system on your purchase. We agree with the seller about acquisition of these or those goods which you would like to purchase and we do the transaction on your name. All documents are processed especially to the buyer. Everything, the transaction is made also you the happy owner of Goods. It is not necessary to you worries that our system as your crypto - events work in our system paid for you and allow you to pay at the expense of dividends means of a loan from our system. After complete repayment of a loan your crypto - events to our system, your deposit opens and all rules of restraint are removed. You can leave a contribution on GB Fund Venture or transfer him to yourself to the personal account. You the good fellow, you kept crypto - the stocks GBCoin, purchased goods and remained only in plus. You are happy and we are happy for you.
Also, you can buy any goods for crypto - events of our system.
We uniform network also do not divide into different levels. We give convenience to each client.
Each client can place the deposit contribution to venture fund and earn percent every month that will allow to have always means as the second salary.
The cryptocurrency exchange GBMarkets, allows people and traders to earn on growth of cryptocurrencies.
The banking sector of Grande Bank, Grande Finance, will allow to make a deposit, investment contribution for clients, to receive insurance, the credits of a different profile.
To have the personal cold purse of GB Wallet, for storage of means.
GB Network the Exchanger of cryptocurrencies, a mobile application, an opportunity to keep money in system in cryptocurrencies and also in other currency. A certain substitute to pay off with plastic cryptocurrency cards which can be ordered in the system of GB Network
Our system can offer you almost everything, beginning from tours and finishing with purchase of the apartment.
With us, it will be always convenient to you.
Safety and convenience to our clients above all !

GBCoin Roadmap

GBCoin Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 8
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen


GB Systems seems to have a good idea, but it’s entirely dependent upon their ability to form partnerships with thanks. If they are unable to form these partnerships, then their entire business model has no alternative. For a small Russian blockchain company to form these partnerships, they would need to have substantial backers, a solid roadmap, and a well-written whitepaper.
GB systems has no such backers, and their whitepaper is very poorly written and was not properly translated into English. This isolates many foreign investors, who would provide a lot of the much-needed funding for this ICO to launch. For these reasons, GBCoin does not have much potential in our eyes.

Plastic Card: This would attract more people to use the service in the first place.
Reduced Fees: GB Systems users wouldn’t have to worry about the insane international bank fees if they used partnering banks when they crossed borders.
Easy Transfers: GB Systems users would be able to transfer their GBCoins to any partnering bank and exchange them for fiat.

Poor Whitepaper: The Whitepaper is written in very poor English, so it’s unlikely that they will attract foreign investors.
Scaling Issues: They have no existing bank partnerships. These are essential to their business model.

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