


Cinder is a digital dreamworld made possible by blockchain technology. It’s a crypto-native social hub, creative commons, and free-form MMO community that’s evolving rapidly and empowering players in new ways.

The world we inhabit is connected to Cinder through the Solana blockchain. The creatures of art and math we know as NFTs can cross into Cinder and dwell there as citizens.

They offer us a bridge to this new world, and ask us to shape it with them!

Playable NFTs

The Cinder Fae are 4444 exclusive avatars generated programmatically and curated by our art team, ready to enter the world of Cinder the day they are minted. Each is an extraordinary work of digital art, and they also represent exclusive, playable game avatars. All possess a combination of traits that will never be duplicated in Cinder.

Traits & Rarity

Roughly 150 characteristics of varying rarity are distributed across 9 categories to generate the Cinder Fae. Each will have a completely unique avatar look in the world of Cinder that can never be duplicated. Future updates to the world and airdrops to NFT owners will further distinguish these avatars in both appearance and capabilities. Cinder will soon enable NFT holders to create and customize new avatars in the game (among other things), but our early supporters who purchase NFTs in this collection will own avatars that are forever unique and instantly recognizable.


You can connect your NFT avatar to Cinder on the day it’s minted and join other NFT holders in the metaverse immediately. No vague roadmaps to a working virtual world someday in the future -- Cinder will be there on day one.

How can we promise this? Because we’ve been building and testing the platform for Cinder for over two years already, and our team has been creating persistent virtual worlds with massive scale for over a decade. Starting from a fully functional and beautifully crafted MMO platform, we’re applying all of our experience and proven infrastructure to creating a new model for blockchain-powered social gaming.

Cinder will be a platform anyone can use to create their own amazing avatars, fashion, and hangouts; tokenize, collect, play with, and OWN them; and trade/sell them through an easy-to-use marketplace.

Carbon Impact

Cinder is a new division of WildWorks, and WildWorks is a company that takes conservation and the environment very seriously. We have watched the growth of proof-of-work blockchains with alarm, and until recently didn’t see NFTs as a worthwhile technology for gaming in large part because of the carbon emissions associated with them.

Blockchain technologies like Solana offer new and intriguing functionality for game designers (smart contracts, d-apps), but more importantly they operate on highly efficient proof-of-stake validation networks. The difference this makes is transformative. It means the entire worldwide validation network for Solana blockchain transactions would take up less than 1% of a midsized data center, and our NFT mint will have less carbon impact than the credit card transactions we process in other games.


It turns out a group of crypto enthusiasts and NFT collectors have been lurking in the shadows of our company for years. As this project went from “could we do this?” to “let’s do this!” they became rabidly passionate about the vision for Cinder that emerged. When we crossed the threshold to “we’re doing this,” we decided to create a new division focused entirely on innovating in the space where gaming, online communities, and blockchain technology meet. This team brings decades of experience building, nurturing, and scaling communities in massive online worlds. We hope you’ll join us soon in Cinder to share your hopes and ideas with us!