Celebrity Smack Down

Celebrity Smack Down

Digital Card

After putting our degenerate heads together, we set out to create an NFT card game we've titled Celebrity Smack Down (referenced as CSD). Inspired by the MTV show “Celebrity Deathmatch”, CSD is here to parody the absurdities of fame and the current climate of cancel culture. CSD is a video game based on NFT blockchain technology, where players use their celebrities (NFTs) in a turn-based battle system in order to cancel their opponents' roster.


What makes CSD NFTs special is that the cards are connected to a specific and unique tweet of the corresponding celebrity and with its twitter feed. CSD NFTs change power levels based on the number of followers the celebrities gain which impacts their effectiveness in game. This functionality is the first step into what we are calling NFT 2.0 which are NFTs with external data attached to them that change their properties. How we achieved adding data into mNFTs will be documented in a technical write up which will be out before the end of the year along with sample code.


CSD also serves as a research project to further community knowledge of NFTs on the nervos blockchain (known as mNFTs) as well as a trailblazer for NFT games on the Nervos blockchain. We will be sharing as much as we can about our research in the forms of blog post, code samples, and tutorials.


The celebrities of the CSD roster are divided in 5 genres: Politicians, Athletes, Actors, Musicians and Influencers. As for the first version of the game the roster is composed by 20 celebrities, 4 for each genre, expansions are, of course, to be expected since there are so many cool celebrities that would look dope in our game.Celebrities are divided by rarity. This rarity affects the amount of times they can be modified (power up), they also look way cooler. The different rarities are: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary.