Galaxy Harvest Metaverse

Galaxy Harvest Metaverse

Created using Figma
The World First Harvesting system P2E Game + NFT & Metaverse. We have made the pleasure of creating an infinite galaxy and traveling in it possible.
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Über Galaxy Harvest Metaverse

We give the user the thrill of creating planets and solar systems. Create your own world and explore it, invite your friends to see its wonders. The users can create their own planets and spaceships and share or sell them in the form of NFTs.


Users, as owners and rulers of their own planets, sell the resources extracted from each planet or use them to design and build new planets and solar systems, and increase their assets and income. Each person can design and upgrade own spacerships and maintain them as NFT assets or sell.

In-game Trading System

Diversity on the planets means the possibility of producing different resources such as iron, gold, diamonds and so on. You need resources to build large structures and spaceships. We have created an internal trading system in the game ecosystem that you will experience the joy of trading and earning money together by buying and selling and exchanging resources.

Combining art and engineering

Each user can design their own unique spaceship with creativity and knowledge and maintain it as a valuable work of art. A proprietary asset in the form of NFT that can be upgraded. The appearance and design of the spaceships will be unique because each one is an amazing work inspired by individual art, creativity and engineering.

Realize the joy of Traveling in the Cosmos

Many people dream of traveling in the universe and enjoy the amazing views of infinite GALAXY. You will create your own world and invite others to watch and enjoy the power of your creation. With using 3D technology and VR technology, you will be able to experience of floating in endless space for the first time in the wold.

Galaxy Harvest Metaverse Roadmap

  • Conceptualization & Branding.
    Concept Artwork Begins.
  • Foundation Structure
    Project Planning
    Team building
    White paper V1 Production
  • Website release.
    Token Launch
    Team Private KYC & Audit
  • Listing on PancakeSwap
    Grow holders to 10,000
    Minor Platform Listing
    Building community
  • Weiterlesen
  • Metaverse Dev
    NFT Store
    Apply for CEX Listing
    Marketing Campaings
  • Beta Game Launch
    Major Marketing Plans
    More Exchange Listing

Galaxy Harvest Metaverse Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Onur Yaman
Creative Content Writer
Volkan Onay
Chief Technology Officer
Serpil Güngör
Chief Marketing Officer
Aras Berk
Community Manager

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