Fuxion Labs

Fuxion Labs

Created using Figma
To be announced
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Über Fuxion Labs

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Fuxion Labs empowers users to explore Web3 by developing a platform that provides access to different DApp services.

Fuxion Hub

Elevate your crypto DEX trading strategies with our arsenal of high-performance tools.

Key features include: buy/sell orders, advanced limit order protocols, anti-bot protection, transaction simulation,
AI smart contract audits and access to other services.

Crypto Debit Card

Spend your crypto anywhere with a virtual or physical Visa/Mastercard debit card, valid in 170 countries and offering ATM withdrawals and up to a 50% service tax discount.

Web3 Escrow

Secure way to handle online transactions using blockchain technology.

It acts like a neutral third party, holding funds or assets until both buyer and seller fulfill their agreed-upon conditions.

Infuxe (Software as a Service)

Integrate our in-house technology with your project (s) to achieve faster time-to-market feature deployment, save development time and costs, and add an additional revenue stream to your project.


Let's collaborate! We can offer you several exciting opportunities: release a co-branded NFT & crypto debit card for your project, integrate your dapp with Fuxionhub to boost its exposure.
For KOLs, we can arrange a partnership with a 50% share of the 1% platform tax.

Fuxion Labs Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Cyrus Garcia Founder...
Patrick Andras Found...
K. Casparov Director...
Alex Partnership Man...

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