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FUNToken is the #1Cryptocurrency Gaming Community
FUNToken is the one-stop gaming token that will facilitate all forms of gaming with a transparent, provably fair, and widely used mechanism for funding and integrating to disparate gaming opportunities.
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Über FUNToken

With over 350,000 token holders and staking users worldwide and counting, FUNToken is the leading iGaming token globally. Based on the Ethereum blockchain, it was created as a fast, transparent, and genuinely fair transactional solution for iGaming ecosystems and players. Harnessing the power of blockchain technology, it creates "trustless" gaming ecosystems that users can rely on and operators can implement seamlessly.

FUNToken is supported by the best in the business;, the largest Bitcoin faucet in the world with over 50 million registered users, uses FUN as a premium token and is committed to fuelling FUNToken's efforts to make non-custodial gaming an industry standard.

The project has developed a FUNToken ecosystem, with its XFUN Wallet as the flagship feature of the FUN ecosystem. Available for Android and iOS users, it will increasingly become a core component in our decentralized gaming ecosystem. The XFUN Wallet allows users to conveniently store cryptocurrencies, including popular coins and tokens. This technology eliminates intermediaries, enabling users to play directly from the wallet.

XFUN Wallet users can also effortlessly swap their FUN tokens for XFUN tokens, the proprietary utility token. Unlike the ERC20-based FUN token, XFUN operates on the Polygon blockchain, enabling faster and more cost-effective transactions, as well as enhanced scalability.

Most importantly, the XFUN Wallet allows players to retain control of their funds. This technology eliminates intermediaries and enables users to play straight from the wallet. The XFUN Wallet and XFUN token are already integrated into several gaming platforms, including dPlay Casino,, and XFUN Arcade.

While FUN is available for trading, gamers can enjoy fast, secure, and transparent transactions by using the XFUN token.

Thanks to the XFUN API, it is straightforward for third-party dApps to connect with the XFUN community, which will help work towards our goal of deeper decentralization in the casino space.

FUNToken also employs advanced escrowing and token-burning practices to maintain the token's deflationary nature. The company is committed to using 50% of its net gaming revenue to burn tokens quarterly.

FUNToken Roadmap

  • 2023 -2024

  • Unveils Ambitious Roadmap to Propel Future Growth
    * The Launch of FUN Token Seed Fund: This new fund will provide the necessary resources for promising projects that align with our mission and vision. Find out more about it here.
    * Integration with GameFi, AI, and Metaverse Platforms: We aim to blend traditional gaming with decentralized finance to provide users with a unique gaming experience while capitalizing on AI and Metaverse technology advancements.
    * Consolidation of FUN and XFUN: Streamlining our tokens into one powerful token, enhancing user experience, and promoting platform efficiency.
    * Creation of FUN ID: A unique identity solution to ensure secure and simplified transactions.
    * Introduction of FUN NFTs: Engage with unique digital assets on our platform, introducing a new form of interactive gaming.
    * A Proprietary API: To foster innovation and integration with third-party services.
    * Turnkey Decentralized Gaming Solution: Offering a ready-to-use, end-to-end solution for developing decentralized games.
    * The Development of a FUN DAO: An innovative, democratic governance model to manage all FUN assets.

FUNToken Mannschaft

Verifiziert 14%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Sabine Roiss
Head of Business Development
Samuel Das
Nicholas Nanda
Craig Marsh
Morten Foght
Carol Chow
Andrew Haigh

FUNToken Interviews

Sabine Roiss
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
'm Sabine Roiss, Head of Business Development at FUN Token. My journey in the blockchain, crypto, and payments industries began in 2017, and I've been passionate about it ever since. My specialization lies in marketing and business development, which I've put into practice, particularly when I assisted in building a crypto payment startup. My deep knowledge and ardent enthusiasm for crypto and blockchain have led me to join the FUN Token team, where I now put my skills to use in this innovative field. I'm excited to contribute and help shape the future of gaming through blockchain.
What do you think about idea?
FUNToken is a Web3 ecosystem designed to foster a transparent and provably fair gaming platform. It leverages cutting-edge blockchain technologies to provide secure, decentralized, gas-free transactions amongst many of the utilities/services of the ecosystem. The gaming platform supports quick registration, KYC, and gas-free deposits and withdrawals. Integration with various dApps allows players to maintain control over their funds. Token holders enjoy benefits like cashback, free rewards, additional interest on savings, and a secure, non-custodial wallet. Backed by the popular/prolific, FUN Token aims to standardize non-custodial gaming, offering a seamless, trustless gaming experience for all users.

FUNToken Letzte Nachrichten

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