FreeDum Fighters

FreeDum Fighters

Created using Figma
The ultimate showdown between two mechanized political figureheads: MAGATRON and Kamacop 9000
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Über FreeDum Fighters

FreeDum Fighters

ultimate showdown

FreeDum Fighters is the ultimate showdown between two mechanized political figureheads: MAGATRON and Kamacop 9000, battling for total mechanized supremacy forever

satirical project

FreeDum Fighters is a satirical, gamified token project inspired by the ongoing U.S. presidental election, providing a parallel, humorous take an political events.

two reward pools

Users can stake their $DUM tokens choosing their side. If MAGATRON is in the lead, the Kamacop pool will offer hight rewards. Points are accumulated based on these activities, and an airdrop is distributed according to the points earned.

inflate egos

Click to inflate your chosen candidate's ego, reveling in the satirical farce of political theater as you participate in weekly FreeDum Fighters debates.

amass $DUM

Amass your $DUM and join in on the chaos supporting your chosen candidate through the staking pools in this mechanized political theater.

fuel the war machine

Harness the power of $DUM to fuel the political war machine of your Overlord of choice in this epic clash.

FreeDum Fighters Roadmap

  • phase 1: make crypto free again

  • 1 launch the $DUM presale

    2 launch X and Telegram

    3 begin marketing across X and publications
  • phase 2: the race

  • 1 introduce staking pools for each party

    2 start/continue weekly debates and polls

    3 marketing across publications
  • phase 3: a new leader

  • 1 finalize the debate and choose the winner of race

    2 expand lore/storyline as the story unfolds in real-time

    3 Explore collaboration opportunities


2 422
30 Tage Wachstum:
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
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Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
Circ. Supply:
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