Florester Carbon Credit

Florester Carbon Credit

Created using Figma
100% abgeschlossen
0% ziel abgeschlossen
Ziel 12 000 000.00 USD
Limit 25 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 FLOR
    0.05 USD
Forester Payments 0x900c1445e33976442fe08233b5da4cf45c1766e3 500,000.000
Forester Donation 0x4dad88b6e0a13c86eadb989fdd45aa07364d949e Donation 5%
Florester Humanitarian Aid 0x900ffb38a52e2c7156e1ba3212d3f550b318402c 106,800.000
Forester Development Team 0x00eea7a445ad8c1242bb228695894f2026094f71 90,000.000
Forester Digital Marketing 0x380ac0bf9c88ebe156550ceb2a18de26802bd13d 23,200.000
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
Florester Carbon Credit
Eingetragenes Land
United States
Firma gegründet
Jan 10, 2022
Weitere Details
MVP / Prototyp
Ja , von Jan 10, 2022 bis Jun 1, 2023

Über Florester Carbon Credit

Climate Change in our world becomes more important every day. We at FLOR join the causeand develop solutions to help fight climate changewith the carbon credit market.

The idea of ​​thismarket is to assigna value to Greenhouse Gases - thus penalizing those who emit moreGreenhouse Gases than the allocated quotaand rewarding those who emit less GHG. By pricing GHG emissions it is possible to dynamically correct market failures .

Global warming is one of humanity's biggest challenges for the next 50years.Through our technological solution, we generate great advances for the well -being of our planet and for the people who inhabit it, reducing the greenhouse effect and global warming. FLOR is a Currency and an environmental platform, a website that provides credit operations for individuals and companies of any size that wish to participate in this market.

The FLOR coin will allow users to incorporate carbon offsetting into smart contracts ,empower and take full custody through our Wallet.

Carbon credit is a concept born from the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, which aims to combat the emission of greenhouse gases. For every 1 ton not emitted, a carbon credit is generated.

When you reduce your emission by 1 ton, you receive a certification, that is, credits that will be available to be traded on the market and can be purchased by those who are above the emission target, thus reducing their carbon emissions.


Innovate to preserve
Our projects and innovations must serve as a means to help contain the crises of water, energy, food and pollutant emissions. All linked to world overpopulation. These crises have three interconnected factors: environmental, social and political. Our role is to introduce innovations that are able to articulate such factors with the purpose of providing a more promising future.

Technische Information

Binance Smart Chain

Florester Carbon Credit Roadmap

  • Roadmap

  • 2018-Analysis of numbers and statistics based on carbon credit
    2019-Projetct Start Team structuring
    2020-Capture of funding and development
    2021-Start Markting and continuation of development
    2022-Availability of our FLOR Token on the BSC BEP-20 network, Start of Resorces Allocation and Global awareness talks.

Florester Carbon Credit Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Ricardo Angulo
Global Expansion Director

Florester Carbon Credit Letzte Nachrichten

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