Fighting Fish

Fighting Fish

Created using Figma
An NFT-access P2E game built on the Algorand blockchain.
To be announced
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Über Fighting Fish

Fighting Fish is a PvP combat game on the Algorand blockchain. 2048 fish take part in battles in order to claim $FIGHT tokens and the title of King of the Sea. Fighting Fish battle against each other to claim daily leaderboard prizes of FIGHT tokens and participate in tournaments to fight against the best of the best to win rare prizes. In this documentation, you can learn the mechanics behind the game, the utility and economics of the $FIGHT token, and read our roadmap.

Fighting Fish Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Code platform
    Launch website
    Make Fighting Fish art
    Mint 2048 NFTs
    Create FIGHT token
    Write whitepaper
    Create Discord
    Create Discord Bot
    Launch trailer on socials
    Sell NFTs via Rand Shuffle/ shop
    FIGHT token presale
  • Phase 2

  • Genesis tournament at the start of the season
    Finale tournament at the end of the season
    Ongoing tournaments with various NFT and token prizes
    Contests for FIGHT tokens and Fighting Fish NFTs
    Mint custom vanity NFTs for season winners
    Mobile wallet integration for gameplay on the go (tentative, low-priority since myalgo does work on mobile pretty well)
  • Phase 3

  • Richer combat mechanics (target June 1, 2022)
    3v3 Arena (top priority)
    Status effects (poison, paralyze, etc.)
    Vanity items (target June 1, 2022)
    Fish Tank to show off your school of fish
    Pets that cheer on your fish in battle
    Profile NFTs (rainbow name, backgrounds, etc.)
    New game modes (ongoing, might be some one-offs... low-priority)
  • Phase 4

  • Develop FIGHT into the premiere GameFi platform on Algorand
    Partner with other NFT projects and allow them to use the FIGHT platform to give their NFTs utility
    Sell FIGHT-as-a-service (we let other projects launch on our platform using our tokens and mechanics for a royalty)
    Develop Algorand into the premiere GameFi blockchain
    Build and open-source tools for Algorand gaming
    Onboard existing projects into Algorand via acquisition or partnership
    Build out Algofish Ventures and the FIGHT platform
    Hire more developers and artists
    Raise external funding

Fighting Fish Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Technical Founder
Creative Founder

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