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Australian Holiday Rental Market prowered by Crypto Currency based on Blockchain technologies works globally.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • ProBit Global
    EZY/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0005
    $ 3.28
  • ProBit Global
    EZY/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0006
    $ 13.90
Token Sale
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
  • 1 USD
    0.005 USD
Marketing and Sales 63%
Admin and Operations 22%
It Development 15%
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details
MVP / Prototyp



At EzyStayz we are remaking the global travel industry, one booking at a time! We want to change the way the world stays, opening up the holiday rental market to individuals across the globe and providing travellers with unique, one-of-a-kind places to call ‘home’. 

We are looking to leverage blockchain technology to revolutionize the booking-renting process  in the 21st century. EzyStayz is not an idea or a project-in-progress, it is an expansion on Australia’s biggest global holiday rental listing website. We strongly believe that by applying  the innovative technology to an already successful holiday rental platform, we can remake  short and long-term vacation rental market to be better, safer, more transparent and more affordable for all.

Technische Information


Making Ezystaz‘ fees payable in both crypto and fiat currencies is a major part of our revenue model. This allows us to introduce crypto-currencies into an overly regulated and slow market to facilitate real estate transactions on a global scale for crypto holders.

We plan to capitalize on this uniqye advantage that will offer the gloabal crypto community a chance to utilize their vast crypto currency wealth, which in some countries is now being blocked due to heavy regulatory restrictions. Service cost and transactions on the platform are made both cheap and efficient thanks to an already existing and fully developed business model and a 5-year growth and marketing forecast with projections (see Appendix).

To encourage the use of our own crypto currency, hosts and travellers that opt to pay for Ezystaz’ services and fees in the native Ezystaz‘s token (EZT), will receive a 25% discount. This is applicable to:

10% service fee collected by the customer
3% service fee collected by the host
Additional services purchased on the marketplace 


  • Apr-17

  • Private Investment raised of more than 1.5 million dollars EzyStayz Product Development begins
  • Apr-18

  • EzyStayz launches MVP Web responsive
  • Jun-18

  • EzyStayz launches Web IOS App
  • Sep-18

  • EzyStayz launches Android App
  • Weiterlesen
  • Dec-18

  • Focus on host acquisition - 44,000 Listings in 60 countries achieved. We are adding 500 new listings per week, meaning a growth of host value of 50k-90k USD per month. With unique we mean that these are not coming through any channel partners making them more or less exclusive on our platform
  • Jan-19

  • Start building EzyStayz 2.0 large focus on hotel market
  • Feb-19

  • Initial Discussion for EZY token, the Ezystayz token. A Travel Industry token with the true power of Blockchain
  • Mar-19

  • Development of EZY Token and Dapp Functions
  • Jun-19

  • Development of EZY Wallet
  • Jul-19

  • Development of Ezystayz channel manager open API on the blockchain enabling us to connect to massive databases of properties and hotels
  • Aug-19

  • Partnership and integration with the 1st Channel manager giving Ezystayz access to 400.000+ new properties worldwide
  • Sep-19

  • Partnership and integration with the 2nd Channel manager giving Ezystayz access to 500,000+ new Hotels worldwide
  • Nov-19

  • Partnership and integration with the 3rd Channel manager giving Ezystayz access to 175,000 hotel properties
  • Dec-19

  • Partnership and integration with the 4th Channel manager giving Ezystayz access to the biggest database of hotels in the world
  • Jan-20

  • Launch of Ezystayz IEO. Partnership and integration with the 5th Channel manager giving Ezystayz access to APIs to find and book hotels including retail and negotiated rates from over 400,000 properties around the world
  • Feb-20

  • Development of Travel Casino allowing customers to win EZY travel tokens
  • Apr-20

  • Launch of Ezystayz IEO. with ChainX, LiveCoin and CoinTiger
  • May-20

  • Partnership and integration with the 5th Channel manager giving Ezystayz access to APIs to find and book hotels including retail and negotiated rates from over 400,000 properties around the world
  • Jun-20

  • Release of the EzyStayz Credit Car so Hosts and Travellers can use their EzyStayz tokens for payments and Book Accommodations and more.
  • Jul-20

  • Acceptance of the EzyStayz coin as a new form of payment making it one of the very few OTA’s accepting crypto and accessing trillions of dollars
  • Oct-20

  • Reach 4500 bookings and a net revenue of 260000 USD (before marketing cost)
  • Feb-21

  • EzyStayz will launch its property management marketplace which will help hosts management of guest arrivals, professional cleaning, around the clock assistance, cooking services and more. The feature will be built on the blockchain and connect service providers & EzyStayz members with hosts requirement.
  • Mar-21

  • 760,000 bookings, 48M USD net revenue (before marketing cost), conversion rate increase from year one with 0.4% & average customer acquisition cost decreased with almost 30%

EZYSTAYZ Mannschaft

Verifiziert 20%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

James Moses
Founder & CEO at EzyStayz Holiday Rentals
Sebastian Ashar
Sofia Sörberg
Catherine Kuzmina
Head Of Content at EzyStayz
Carlii Lyon
Executive Branding Consultant
Rod Bellon
Community manager
Vikrant Mukherjee
Business Development Manager
Rahul Sharma
API integration developer
Hristo Piyankov
Tokenomics Advisоr
Manish Saini
Simplifying The Unthinkable With State Of Art Tech


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

39 ICOs

$160 334 374

Nikolay Shkilev, Phd

45 ICOs

$249 121 789

Vladimir Nikitin

45 ICOs

$83 081 297

Jason Hung


$3 311 790

Anthony Abunassar
Marco Torregrossa
Marc Couzic
Ralph Dahm
Genson Glier
Sam Kawtharani

EZYSTAYZ Interviews

James Moses
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
CEO/ Founder of EzyStayz, I work with my amazing team and partners to make our EzyStayz goals a success!
What do you think about idea?
It's good to tap into a market that currently has limited players. The current market has little players yet there are trillions on dollars in the crypto market! Its great to link travel with Crypto
Sofia Sörberg
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in the project is head of creative communication, design and marketing. As one of the core members of Ezystayz team, I drive the project forward and make sure we are reaching our goals.
What do you think about idea?
I love our product! I am so proud to be part of the first Australian holiday rental platform to join the blockchain and open up for crypto payment. Booking a holiday, renting out your property should be easy and cross borders payment to.

EZYSTAYZ Letzte Nachrichten

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