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Evolution Land is a virtual simulation blockchain game that supports cross-chain interactions. The game will have up to 26 continents, each of which is deployed on a different public chain. Two continents have been built so far and have been deployed on Ethereum (Atlantis Continent) and Tron (Byzantine). The governance parameters, such as the trade tax rate, will be set by players.
To be announced
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Evolution Land is a simulation game with game asset management as its core. It is also an open platform and self-governing ecology based on blockchain and is dedicated to the development, operation and resource integration of blockchain games. Game assets refer to game IP, game props, and other game value. Evolution Land will design a good game asset model and economic system to increase the value of game assets by expanding high-quality game scenarios and increasing player social activities.
Evolution Land uses the blockchain technology to ensure the balance and sustainability of the game economy system. The economic rules of the game, the token model, the game IP copyright, and the systematic voting process will all be on the chain. All operations are completed with cryptographic signatures or smart contracts. In addition, Evolution Land will develop a public blockchain technology (Darwinia network) for the game industry, and through cross-chain, sidechain and other kinds of methods it will implement the barrier-free connect.



Based on the mainstream public blockchains, ownership of the game assets is confirmed by the tracking of blockchain technology. Evolution Land will be designed to be a self-evolving, scalable and open system. With the open interfaces, SDK and on-chain contracts of Evolution Land, any developer can easily build their own Dapp on the Evolution Land.

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