Swiss Leaders Dialog Blockchain Strategy

Zürich , Switzerland

Über Swiss Leaders Dialog Blockchain Strategy

Blockchain is growing. Payments will remain the main application for some time, but use cases in other fields are up and running or will be developed in the near future. A high potential for monetizing can be identified – amongst others – in the fields of IoT/Industry 4.0, supply chains, compliance, certification, legal processes, identity management and security. This networking conference connects professionals from corporates, SMBs, startups and solution providers interested in Blockchain use cases.

The combination of different use cases and processes enables smart contracts. Blockchain solutions are cheap and easy to start with. Compared to classical crypto technologies Blockchains are more pragmatic which means more potential for widespread acceptance. They may well be key in aligning existing and future business models with higher legal or market-driven standards in data security. Blockchains could change the economy because they can change the way business partners evaluate each other. They boost transparency without compromising data protection and privacy. The disadvantages of low speed and high energy consumption can be tackled by smart architecture combining Blockchain with other technologies. A main source of monetization is the elimination of intermediary players so far necessary to enable trust between business partners. The elimination of banks in the process of Bitcoin payments is a good example.

  • Identifying promising Blockchain use cases
  • Aligning Blockchain and strategy
  • Best organizational approaches
  • Blockchain as comprehensive IoT trust protocol
  • Blockchain in SCM and logistics
  • Blockchain in Industry 4.0
  • Payments and cryptocurrency
  • Blockchains in identity and security management
  • Blockchain in certification processes
  • Blockchain in legal processes
  • Blockchain in public sector and e-government
  • New P2P business models
  • Blockchain in customer interaction and KYC
  • Smart contracts and combination of processes
  • Blockchain as trust and transparency enabler


Jags Rao
Director Distributed Ledger Technology Swiss Re
Philippe Meyer
Head of Innovation avaloq
Helie d'Hautefort
Mr. Rafael Cayuela
Corporate Chief Economist & Strategy Director The Dow Chemical Company
Dr. Quy Vo-Reinhard
Chief Data Officer & Co-Founder HIT Foundation
Mehr sehen (11)
Dr. Andreas Schröter
Executive Vice President & MD DNV-GL
Dr. Jana Essebier
Attorney at Law & Partner VISCHER AG
Pablo Naicker
Former Head Adecco Group X
Olivier Gazon
CEO Sustainable Base
Olivier Roucloux
Managing Director Finoryx
Vivek Anand
Founder Workonomix
Jürg Baltensperger
JayBee JayBee
Filipe Costa
CIO & Founder Utrust
Michael Lustenberger
Florian Spychiger
Vladimir Petrov
PhD research fellow University of Zurich's


Crypto Valley Association



9:00      DLT Networks Driving Business Model Innovation

Jags Rao, Director Distributed Ledger Technology, Swiss Re



Integrating Cryptocurrencies into Core Banking Platforms

Why there is a need for cryptocurrency issuing

Security and compliance challenges

Tokenization markets

Philippe Meyer, Head of Innovation, Avaloq

Business Case: Blockchain and the Future of Recruiting

Creating a blockchain-bases "talent passport" as a holistic and valid view on a person's talents

Owned and controlled by the talent

Shareable with any employer or intermediary

Verified through a federated ecosystem

Benefits: Speed, user experience, cost, compliance

Pablo Naicker, Former Head of Adecco Group X & Vivek Anand, Founder, Workonomix



Business Case: Blockchain-based Multicurrency Payments Platform

Benefits of stablecoins to be used as means of payments

What is the added value of a multi-currency backed payment token

Some real use cases

Hélie d'Hautefort, CEO, Globcoin

Blockchain and Big Data – Merger of the Future / Use Case KODAKOne

For some business models the connection of a central big data hub with a distributed ledger makes sense

Blockchain will not replace existing data management solutions, because it is too slow

Nevertheless in these key fields DLT applications add enormous value: Auditing, Provenience, Digital Assets, Collaboration

All these fields are part of KODAKOne, an image rights management platform

Challenges: Integration, scale, trust, privacy, demand and chain

Solutions and lessons learned, Recommendations

Volker Brendel, CTO, KODAKOne


11:00    Coffee Break / Networking Session 1


11:15    Networking Session 2 (parallel activities)


11:45    Networking Session 3 (parallel activities)

Meetings with peers, experts and solution providers / Solution room / Open roundtable discussions


12:15    Networking Session 4 (parallel activities)

Meetings with peers, experts and solution providers / Solution room / Open roundtable discussions


12:45    Networking Session 5 (parallel activities)

Meetings with peers, experts and solution providers / Solution room / Open roundtable discussions


13:15    Lunch / Networking Session 6



Facilitating Credit Access for Emerging Markets SMEs with Security Tokens

Why SMEs in emerging markets have difficulties to borrow money

How Digital Assets can solve it

How emerging markets investors can benefit from it

Olivier Roucloux, Managing Director, finoryx

Challenges when Engaging Smart Contracts to Support Your Business

Code is law?

Automation and self-enforcement versus flexibility



Dr. Jana Essebier, Attorney at Law & Partner, Vischer AG



Trading Digital Assets on Blockchain-based Marketplaces

The Lykke case: Building a global marketplace for the free exchange of financial assets

Current scientific trends in the crypto landscape

Future Blockchain ideas at Lykke

Vladimir Petrov, PhD research fellow, University of Zurich

Overcoming Current Supply Chain Challenges with Blockchain

Current Challenges in Supply Chains

Results & Findings of two ZHAW Case Studies

Future Research

Michael Lustenberger & Florian Spychiger, Research Associates, ZHAW School of Management and Law



Blockchain Regulation in Switzerland and other Jurisdictions

Compliance for Blockchain companies: AML & sanctions, VQF membership

Cooperation between blockchain companies and banks

A stable regulatory environment is a driver for Blockchain company hubs

Risk-based approach for compliance in Blockchain projects

Business Case Utrust

Jürg Baltensperger, CEO JayBee, Lecturer at HWZ & Filipe Costa, CIO & Founder, UTRUST

Use Case: Blockchain Application in the Energy Industry

Dr. Andreas Schröter, Executive Vice President & MD, DNV-GL


16:00    Coffee Break / Networking Session 7


16:15    Networking Session 8 (parallel activities)

Meetings with peers, experts and solution providers / Solution room / Open roundtable discussions

Workshop (1h): Solving Blockchain Velocity and Privacy Issues

Blockchains are too slow - is this really true?

How to achieve a DLT performance of 1'000 transactions/user/second

DLT data privacy; How to combine GDPR with DLT and Big Data

Olivier Gazon, CEO, Sustainable Base


16:45    Networking Session 9 (parallel activities)

Meetings with peers, experts and solution providers / Solution room / Open roundtable discussions


17:15    Blockchain Use Cases in the Chemical Industry

Rafael Cayuela, Corporate Chief Economist & Strategy Director, The Dow Chemical Company


17:50    Health Data Platform Based On Blockchain

Benefits of utilizing health data

Giving individuals control over their health data

Monetization of health data

New approaches for treatment research, health education and marketing

Dr. Quy Vo-Reinhard, Chief Data Officer & Co-Founder, HIT Foundation


18:30    Apéro at the Hotel Bar



17.09.2019, 09:00 , CET (UTC +1)
17.09.2019, 18:00 , CET (UTC +1)
Renaissance Zürich Tower Hotel