Chartres , France


The Blockchain conference & tradeshow will take place on November 21 & 22 2018, at the Chamber of commerce and industry of Eure and Loir region. (about 45 minutes from Paris).

This is an unique occasion to discover the world of Blockchain and it’s impact on all levels of society. Come, share & learn by talking to the many experts in the field who will be present at this first edition of the Blockchain 28 conference & tradeshow.


Vidal Chriqui
Co-founder BTU Protocol / Bitcoin and Blockchain Speaker
José L. Senent
Chief Disruption Officer (CEO)
Baptiste Husson
ICO Strategist
Nathan Frey
Founder & CE
Jean-Michel MIS
Député de la Loire et co-rapporteur de la mission d’information sur les blocs de chaînes
Anca Petre
Co-fondatrice et directrice des opérations de 23 Consulting
Mehr sehen (21)
Marc Durand
Co-founder & COO, Kapalt
Thomas Reveillon
Chief roadshow à Chaineum
David Prinçay
Spécialiste Crypto et ICO
Boris Nedeltchev
Responsable KryptoSphere Rennes
Manon Seraut
Responsable formations KryptoSphere
Ludovic Bénard
Secrétaire Général KryptoShere Rennes
Thibault Langlois-Berthelot
Président & Founder of KryptoSphere
Aymane Tabet
Responsable Analyse ICO Membre de KryptoSphere
Janin Grandne
Président de la Commune Blockchain
Philippe Lehrman
Docteur Ingénieur en Agronomie chez Ositrade
Nicolas Duboille
Avocat aux Barreaux de Paris et de New York
Pierre-Antoine Foreau
Fondateur et CEO
Marcel Turbaux
Thibault Langlois-Berthelot
Président & Founder of KryptoSphere
Jafaar Saied
Entrepreneur, CEO, Public Speaker
Laure de la Raudière
Députée Agir_La Droite constructive d’Eure-et-Loir
Charles Kremer
Program Director IRT SystemX
Rémy Ozcan
Co-fondateur de Tozex et Directeur Général Crypto4All
Vincent Galand
Manager Embleema Inc.
Olivier Rocca
Marc Couzic
Founder, Innovator and CEO Fieldcoin


9h00 Opening, breakfast in the exhibition hall.

9h30 Tradeshow Introduction 5-10 minutes

9h40 Intervention from Mr. Jean-Michel MIS, member of parliament. 35 minutes

10h15 Blockchain: Base principles, different types of blockchain and primary application of blockchain technology 45 minutes

11h00 Coffee break 15 minutes

11h45 Blockchains and Finance 45 minutes

12h00 Pitch sessions 30 minutes

12h30 The new Blockchain « business models » Crypto money, ICO, etc. 30 minutes

13h00 Lunch


Regulatory, Legal and Fiscal aspects of Blockchain

14h00 Round table introduction 30 minutes

14h30 Roundtable and Q&A 30 minutes

Blockchain in the energy sector

15h00 Round table introduction 30 minutes

15h30 Startups session pitch 15 minutes

15h45 Round table and Q&A 30 minutes

16h30 Workshop: Investigations 60 minutes

9h00 Opening, inscriptions and breakfast in the conference hall

9h30 Roundtable introduction 30 minutes

10h00 Startup session pitch 15 minutes

10h15 Roundtable and Q&A 30 minutes

10h45 Coffee break

11h00 ICO and Tokenization 30 minutes

11h30 Private Blockchains and Consortium blockchains: General principles and applications 45 minutes

12h15 Pitch sessions 45 minutes

13h00 Lunch


Blockchain in the health sector

14h00 Roundtable introduction 30 minutes

14h30 Startups session pitch 15 minutes

14h45 Roundtable and Q&A 30 minutes

15h15 Coffee break 15 minutes

15h30 Intervention of Mrs Laure de La Raudière, member of parliament. 30 minutes

16h00 Conclusions 5-10 minutes


21.11.2018, 09:00 , CET (UTC +1)
22.11.2018, 17:00 , CET (UTC +1)
EUR 20–200