

Created using Figma
Ethereum fork and keep PoW, anyone can participate without restrictions.
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Über EthereumFair


We have witnessed the community and value in togetherness that non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have afforded the digital assets industry with opportunities to tokenize things like art, collectibles, gamefi items (virtual lands, costumes, and weapons), and even real estate.

Powered by smart contracts, the EthereumFair blockchain has presented artists, collectors, enthusiasts, and content creators with more power than ever before to create and provide for the ownership of these unique items with great value and to diversify user experiences.

EthereumFair is the first fork of the Ethereum blockchain in the world. The EthereumFair blockchain has been described as the most prominent advocate of the Proof-of-Work mechanism. It has received lots of acceptance since its launch and has successfully built a fastly growing ecosystem with many projects launching and integrating on its chain.

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