ETH Travel Token

ETH Travel Token

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ETH TRAVEL ist ein dezentrales Ökosystem für unterwegs, das mit Kombinationsprotokollen (SAML2.0, OAUTH, WS-FED) integriert ist und auf der ERC20-Blockchain-Technologie basiert, mit der Reisende ihre Reiseaufträge in der reisenden Produktion (Fluggesellschaften, Hotels und Autovermietungen) buchen oder bearbeiten können. Die Plattform durch die Verwendung von Verbundprotokollen und der Blockchain-Technologie rationalisiert die Abläufe verschiedener Reisebranche aufgrund höherer Effizienz, die zu höherem Wachstum führt.
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100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 10 000.00 USD
Limit 100 000.00 USD
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 5 000.00 USD
Limit 10 000.00 USD
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
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Über ETH Travel Token

ETHEREUM TRAVEL TOKEN EINLEITEN ETH Travel löst mit Hilfe des Federation-Protokolls viele Fragen des sicheren Identitätsmanagements und lässt die Benutzer ihre Reisen mit ETH Travel Token buchen, ohne ihre persönlichen Daten mit Dritten teilen zu müssen. Party-Reisebüros. ETH Travel ermöglicht den Benutzern die Bereitstellung eines tragbaren Vertrauens & rdquo; direkt mit Reiseveranstaltern und teilen Sie ihre Identitätsinformationen mit diesen Unternehmen, wenn und nur die Benutzer buchen ihre Reisen mit Ethereum Travel Tokens. Dies ermöglicht es Ethereum Travel, den Benutzern eine bessere Kontrolle über ihre persönlichen Informationen und Ressourcen zu ermöglichen, unabhängig davon, wo sich diese Ressourcen befinden.

Mit ETH Travel können die Benutzer mit ihren Partnern in der gesamten Reisebranche sicher Tokens austauschen. Mit standardbasierten Methoden kann ETH Travel den Aufwand für die Benutzerverwaltung, Sicherheitslücken und Unannehmlichkeiten für Benutzer reduzieren. Der Haupttreiber für ETH Travel ist die Bereitstellung eines föderierten Single Sign-On-Zugangs zu vielen Partneranwendungen (große Fluggesellschaften, Hotels und Mietwagen) im Ethereum Travel-Portal, auf den der Benutzer zugreifen kann, um seine Reise zu buchen. Diese Anwendungen werden intern im Ethereum Travel-Infrastrukturnetzwerk eingebunden oder von einem Anbieter der Reisebranche oder einem anderen Application Service Provider (ASP) extern gehostet (Cloud), mit dem Ethereum Travel bereits ein vertrauenswürdiges Netzwerk aufgebaut hat.


Vorteile von ETH Travel Token -

Hauptvorteile - Jede Transaktion, die das ETH Travel Token implementiert, wird in der Reisebranche eine echte Beeinträchtigung darstellen, wobei sich die Benutzer im Besitz von Token mit echtem Wert und einer vollen, sicheren und effizienten Wirtschaft befinden. Es wird auf Millionen gleichzeitiger Benutzer skaliert, die alle Ethereum Travel Tokens (ETHTT) zur Verwaltung oder Buchung ihrer Reisereservierungen verwenden. Die Blockchain ist eine spezielle Technologie für Peer-to-Peer-Transaktionsplattformen, bei der alle Transaktionsdaten dezentral gespeichert werden. Die erste Blockchain wurde im Finanzsektor entwickelt, um als Basis für die Kryptowährung "Bitcoin" zu dienen. In letzter Zeit sind immer mehr neue Anwendungen aufgetaucht, die die Kernfunktionalität der Technologie ergänzen. dezentrale Speicherung von Transaktionsdaten & ndash; durch die Integration von Mechanismen, mit denen die tatsächlichen Transaktionen dezentral abgewickelt werden können. Diese als "intelligente Verträge" bezeichneten Mechanismen arbeiten auf der Grundlage individuell definierter Regeln (z. B. Angaben zu Menge, Qualität und Preis), die ein autonomes Matching verteilter Anbieter und ihrer potenziellen Kunden ermöglichen.

Senkung der Kosten, schnellere Prozesse und größere Flexibilität - Die Ethereum Travel-Anwendung ändert die Art und Weise, wie die Benutzer eine Reservierung tätigen, wobei das zugrunde liegende Transaktionsmodell von einer zentralisierten Struktur abweicht (Online Travel Agents, Sabre , GDS) hin zu einem dezentralen System (Endkunden, Reisebranche-Giganten). Drittanbieter-Vermittler wie OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) und GDS (Global Distributed Systems), deren Dienste heutzutage in den meisten Reisebranche benötigt werden, sind in solchen Systemen nicht mehr erforderlich. zumindest gemäß der Blockchain-Theorie & ndash; vorausgesetzt, dass Transaktionen direkt initiiert und ausgeführt werden können & ldquo; von Peer zu Peer & rdquo ;. Dies kann sowohl für die Endnutzer / die Reisebranche Kosten senken als auch die Prozesse beschleunigen. Dadurch wird das gesamte System flexibler, da viele bisher manuelle Arbeitsaufgaben jetzt automatisch durch intelligente Verträge ausgeführt werden.

Die breite Palette von Anwendungsfällen in der Reisebranche - Die Ethereum Travel Token-Technologie ist vielversprechend. Anders als zur Durchführung von Reisereservierungstransaktionen. Es könnte auch die Grundlage dafür sein, dass die Nutzer ihre Reisepunkte / Prämien einlösen und Reservierungen für beliebige Domains (Hotels, Airlines und Mietwagen) buchen können. Das bedeutet, dass die Benutzer nicht mit der Belastung einer Luftfahrt- / Hotel- oder Mietwagenbranche konfrontiert werden. Die Benutzer können die Airline-Punkte / Hotelprämien in Ethereum Travel Token (ETHTT) umwandeln und diese bei Bedarf verwenden. Weitere mögliche Anwendungsbereiche sind die Dokumentation des Eigentums, der Status der Prämien (Ethereum Travel Token Rewards Management), Herkunftsnachweise, Emissionsberechtigungen und verlängerbare Travel Points, die in Ethereum Travel Token umgewandelt werden

Ethereum Travel Token hat das Potenzial, das System der Reisebranche, wie wir es kennen, radikal zu verändern, indem zunächst mit einzelnen Reisesektoren (Fluggesellschaften, Hotels und Mietwagen) begonnen wird, die jedoch den gesamten Markt der Reisebranche verändern.

& nbsp;

Token-Annahme und gehostete Rollouts für Webanwendungen -

Bei Verwendung der Anwendung ETH Travel Token, die risikofrei ist, teilen die Benutzer ihre Kreditkartendaten nicht mit den Vermittlern (Reiseagenturen) und haben die Möglichkeit, ihre persönlichen Daten zu kontrollieren und ihre Reisen direkt mit ETH-Token zu buchen integriert in die Reisebranche (Fluggesellschaften, Hotels und Mietwagen). Ziel des Einsatzes des ETH-Travel-Token-Protokolls ist es, alle Branchen (Airlines, Hotel und Rental Cars) unter einem Dach zu haben, die derzeit von Drittanbietern verwaltet werden. Da das ETH Travel-Token auf der ERC20-Technologie basiert, werden wir die Technologie mit mehr Verbundprotokollen wie SAML, OAUTH 2.0 und WS-Fed integrieren, um den Reisenden eine risikolose und bessere Benutzererfahrung bei der Buchung ihrer Reisen mit ETH Travel Token zu bieten .

Reduzierte unnötige Kosten / Gebühren bei Online-Reisebüros -

Die Kosten für die Buchung einer Reise durch Reisebüros sind sehr viel höher als bei einer direkten Buchung mit ETH Travel Token. Für die Buchung Ihrer Reise mit ETH Travel Token fallen keine Aufschlaggebühren / Provisionen an. Dies bedeutet auch, dass der Benutzer / Reisende aufgrund von Servicestabilität und hoher Verfügbarkeit sehr sicher ist und keine Abhängigkeit von der Verbindung zu Websites von Reisebüros (Expedia, Travelocity usw.) besteht. ETH Travel bietet eine einfachere und robustere, flexiblere und verwaltbare Methode zur Verwaltung von Reisebuchungen mithilfe von ETH Travel-Token mit verschiedenen Unternehmen der Reisebranche.

Technische Information


There is a growing requirement for the users to access different resources on the Internet in order to book their travel, such as creating an account on third party vendor websites (Orbitz, Expedia, Travelocity….,) and looking for low fares to book tickets, updating their sensitive personal information or accessing external applications and portals which are unsecured. Traditionally, the users have to access these resources by providing their identity information which is shared with multiple third parties. Major travel conglomerates like KLM, Lufthansa, Cathay Pacific, American Airlines, United, SPG, Marriott and much more are challenged to maintain a secure environment across internal and external applications. Due to the current complex and distributed nature of user identity, the ability to coordinate, interact and control the traveler’s identity and personal information adds an additional set of challenges.

Many travel organizations today are struggling with the integration of rewards/loyalty program into their framework and the integration further complicates the problems in the industry. The recent case of Marriott exemplifies this tendency. In recent months, Hard Rock International and United Airlines announced the problems and attendant loss which resulted from not converting the points and mileages given to the travelers. As a result of their ubiquity, these unclaimed mileages and points have been commoditized. Hence, the travelers see it as a commodity and they become less effective and non-incentivized.


The global decentralized and blockchain-based digital currency for the global travel industry, powered by its internal token, ETH Travel Tokens (ETHTT) aims to reinvent and reshape the way we travel, make payment, interact, communicate, and exchange within the global travel industry. Also, our blockchain smart-contuploadselfieid6racts enable travelers, airlines or participating merchants on the Ethereum Travel platform to run incentivized loyalty programs and reward their consumers using our token. We also enable our users to efficiently and quickly make payment for the travel-related expenses without unnecessary waiting times or long chains of transactions inherent in the traditional travel system. We finally acknowledge those who feel secure and safer travel to their destinations with the digital currency. Travelers and tourists can cut their expenses on security and conveniently track their points and mileage. The most unique valuation proposition of ETH Travel is that it can be used for all travel-related choices including but not limited to airline tickets, hotel accommodations, and car rentals.

ETH Travel Tokens will not only revolutionize the traveler's data security, integrating the various travel domains into a single ecosystem, and provide an enabling environment for users to redeem their points or bonuses but also provide a decentralized marketplace for travelers to purchase and sell their own tickets. This will be powered by the smart contracts blockchain in the form of a decentralized Application. Through this, our goal is to inject a new breath into the industry where the entire travel ecosystem is a tangible asset and which the ownership of the asset can be modified or changed. The network algorithm will have an open API for all the travel agencies and applications who want to build and integrate their platform to ETH travel token application.

The core aim of this decentralized peer-to-peer marketplace is to give our users greater power to own their sensitive information, track their transactions. The ETH Travel decentralized market place gives our ETH Travel community and the respective service providers greater confidence, enabling a business opportunity to resell the ticket and allowing a potential refund (converted again to ETH Travel Tokens) if they wish to cancel the reservations. The Dapp relies on no intermediaries, middlemen or third parties with instantaneous confirmation of transactions, and anonymity for privacy and security through the ETH travel blockchain.

ETH Travel Token Roadmap

  • 2016 December

  • Initial Idea/Solution to create Ethereum Travel Token was born.
  • 2017 February

  • ETH Travel Token - Foundation of Research & Development center
  • 2017 May

  • The 11-member team formed to start the Enterprise case study on several use cases in the travel industry and connecting with major travel industries.
  • 2017 July

  • ETH Travel Token solution to integrate all the major travel industries using Blockchain and Federation technologies.
  • Weiterlesen
  • 2017 September

  • Development of workflows for the end to end user travel booking process, set up the environment for the integrations.
  • 2017 November

  • ETH Travel Token- Initial POC to integrate with Global Distribution Systems (Airlines, Hotels & Car Rentals) started as part of the beta phase.
  • 2018 June

  • PRE-ICO Crowd-Sale Starts
  • 2018 July

  • ICO Crowd-Sale Start and Ends.
  • 2018 October

  • List Ethereum Travel Tokens (ETHTT) on major exchanges.
  • 2019 June

  • Ethereum Travel cloud application integration with major travel industries inEurope/ Asia (including release of mobile application to the user community) for the users touse Ethereum Travel Tokens to book/manage the travel reservations.
  • 2020 May

  • Expansion of Ethereum Travel Tokens usage to North/South American travelindustries.

ETH Travel Token Mannschaft

Verifiziert 100%

Oinoun Rauli
Brian Rambasch
Salonen Kasi
William Smith
Paul Ladder
Senior Product Lead
David Muller
Senior Developer
Mark Davis
Senior Developer
Chong Long
Senior Product Lead Engineer


Verifiziert 100%

Julia Oona
Senior Advisor
Marcia Groell
Kim Laura

ETH Travel Token Interviews

Oinoun Rauli
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Oinoun Rauli leads the Ethereum Travel blockchain technology Practice. He has over 20 years of experience in advising major travel industries on the strategic, operational, regulatory, of operating regulated travel industry services business models around the world, including both consumer lending and service provider products. As part of this initiation, Rauli is much focused on ensuring the right functional expertise is aligned to ETH Travel efforts and the broader Blockchain work that is being connected to multiple travel domains.
Brian Rambasch
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Brian is leading the PoC work within the Blockchain/Smart Contracts ETH Travel domain practice. He is a subject matter expert in Blockchain technologies and focuses on Business Model and Operating Model Innovation using this technology. He has over 17 years of experience in providing consulting services to large global companies. primarily in travel industry sector in various kinds of initiatives ranging from developing strategy to design operating model and successfully implement solutions.
Salonen Kasi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Salonen is part of the Travel Capital Markets team, specializing in effectively delivering large transformation programs at top travel industries including Airlines, Hotels, and Car Rentals. She has over 20 years of experience in running front-to-back programs across divisions at different travel and tourism industries. She has designed and managed large-scale implementations through the entire lifecycle, from design through build, test, and adoption/conversion. She is an expert at running multidisciplinary teams and in making large programs deliver what the business needs for the transformation, with particular focus on managing the risk and the costs involved with any large transformation. She is currently focusing on introducing blockchain technology through optimizing shared service models, and most especially, through more effective use of travel industry talent within ETH Travel.
William Smith
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Williams is part of the Ethereum Travel Blockchain technology senior executive and practice leader in Ethereum Travel R&D, which mainly focuses on the technology and cyber- security parts of travel industries. He has more than 20 years' experience in managing the development of advanced federation integrations and also leading the quality assurance department of the product. Before joining ETH Travel, Williams worked for major industries focusing primarily on startups in the Blockchain and Federation space.

Additionally, Williams is involved in driving a secure developing lifecycle framework in Ethereum Travel, this corresponds with the high requirements of Blockchain and Federation related software and the conjunction with encryption, hashing, and key distribution and management.
Paul Ladder
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Paul Ladder is currently leading the Ethereum Blockchain practice with a focus on travel industries and has been involved in the space for the last three years specializing in business case development for next generation travel industry market structure anchored in Ethereum Blockchain methodology. Paul brings over 12 years of travel industry experience with a focus on highly transformative initiatives including but not limited to end to end design, Margin & Collateral Optimization, and Front Office to Back Office process renovation.
David Muller
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
David Muller is part of ETH Travel's BlockchainEmerging Technology Lab in Amsterdam. He is a graduate of Blockchain University: Cohort #5 and has experience with Eris based Blockchain deployment and Smart Contracts coding and is in charge of leading the technology development for the crypto economy effort. He is the Senior Manager for The Technology Lab focuses on researching and prototyping new solutions for ETH Travel clients across Asia Pacific and EMEA. In this capacity David works closely with the business, developing private blockchain delivery methods. David was previously part of the core financial diligence team with multiple travel industry firms, and is a pro-bono financial advisor to social enterprise businesses.
Mark Davis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Mark is a Product Lead within the ETH Travel team. He has more than 10 years of experience in designing and building web and mobile products in the ERP, CRM and Blockchain technology for travel industry sectors. By bridging a strong engineering background with deep product thinking, along with a passion for design and UX, Mark has been pivotal in shaping multiple world-class payments platforms.
Chong Long
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Chong has more than 15 years of experience in Information Technology Federation related integration deployments, Cybersecurity, Privacy, IT Governance Risk and Compliance and national/international regulatory requirements in the Information Technology space.

Chong has led projects and worked in all major travel industry service sectors. He has a strong international background having lived and worked in Europe and led teams in EMEA and APAC (China). His comprehensive technology background allows him to provide insights on all aspects of information technology strategy, risk, compliance, and control with related to Blockchain and federation integrations with all the major travel industries.
Julia Oona
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Julia is the EMEA lead and Senior Advisor for ETH Travel across EMEA and APAC in Ethereum ERC 20 Blockchain, working with Clients and partner firms to understand and shape how this technology will be used to drive efficiency, transparency, and speed across the travel industry market. She has over 30 years of experience in multiple industries delivering technology and operating model changes end to end user transactions and market infrastructure industries. Julia has a deep understanding of travel transactions across various travel industries, clearing settlement, collateral management, and operations. Julia has developed and delivered a number of transformational change projects at major travel industries (KLM, AIR France, Marriott, SPG) and helped them plan structures that respond to the needs of Recovery and Resolution. Prior to joining in ETH Travel, Julia was with Air France for 11 years leading the Airline Markets practice in France.
Marcia Groell
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Marcia is a Blockchain and Smart Contracts proposition advisor in ETH Travel Practice. As a bonafide polymath, Marcia has been instrumental in synthesizing rich insights from Travel Industry Markets, Competitive Strategy, Regulation and High Tech to advise clients across EMEA in senior management, startups, private equity and regulation in framing their response to the disruptive potential of Distributed Ledger Technology. Prior to ETH Travel, Marcia served in Big4 senior advisory roles, where she helped the consultants for state of the art technology solutions using hands-on SME experts in BI, big data analytics, distributed computing, distributed databases, cryptography and network protocol engineering, which afford her the specialist insights into the applications and challenges of Travel Industries ecosystem.
Kim Laura
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Kim Laura is part of the ETH Travel Blockchain working group. She is a graduate of Blockchain University: Cohort #5. Kim has worked on a wide variety of Blockchain business development projects, including advising, developing PoC proposals, strategy and solution development, and reviewing Blockchain and Federation integration best practices with several major companies. Kim has also been a part of the ETH Travel practice's onboarding team, she has experience identifying and onboarding startups into ETH Travel. Kim is part of the travel industries markets practice and has been working with major airlines, hotels in projects involving an end to end travel transactions for the last couple of years.

ETH Travel Token Letzte Nachrichten

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Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

ETH TRAVEL is a decentralized travel ecosystem integrated with federation protocols (SAML2.0, OAUTH, WS-FED) built on ERC20 blockchain technology for the travelers to book or manage their travel reservations in the travel industry including airlines, hotels and car rental industries.


  • Lower costs: The platform use enables the user to easily make reservations and free peer to peer transfers without the reliance on any third party intermediaries hence highly reducing the involved cost
  • Security: The cryptographically signed history enables the platform to maintain data integrity between the user’s transactions and the travel industries. The platform further stores the user's data on a private database which can only be accessed by permission personal hence eliminating cyber crimes and the associated fraud
  • Transparency: The platform transparently displays and retains all the transactions history for the users involved in the traveling industries which can be easily retrieved in case of need
  • Traceability: The use of federal protocols enables the platform to easily combine IDS and history of transactions hence can be easily traced
  • The platform well developed mobile application enables the users to easily manage or book travel reservations as the users can conveniently   and securely access their accounts
  • The platform has a credible team with the relevant experience and skills necessary for the project implementation through the guidance of the CEO Oinoun Rauli who has many years of experience   in the travelling industry
  • The platform white paper is available in many languages hence promoting an extensive use of the platform across the globe satisfying the desire of individuals to explore


  • The platform white paper is missing the involved team members
  • The ETH token is not easily exchangeable with the other cryptocurrencies and fiat
  • The loss of the users private key can prevent them from accessing their accounts


  • The platform white paper should be more detailed, bearing the team involved  with their detailed profiles
  • The ETH token should be made exchangeable with the commonly used cryptocurrencies and fiat to enables the usage of all the currencies in carrying out the reservations


The platform through the use of federation protocols and blockchain technology streamlines the operations of different travel industries due to increased efficiency leading to higher growth. This is clearly makes the project viable and I would highly invest in it.

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