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EPILLO Health Token - Bringing you the world's 1st range of Web 3.0 smart wearables with exciting features of Move2Earn, NFTs, DeFi, Health Products & Services.
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Epillo Health Token (EPILLO) is the native token of Epillo Health Systems, an ERC-20 Token deployed on the Polygon smart chain.

Unlike many cryptocurrencies, this is a token which is backed by Epillo Health Systems (Europe) – an established health, medical & fitness company. The authenticity of the token is proven, as the group has successfully ventured into the healthcare & medical research sector with 3 brands: INTRx™ (Technology with WIPO Gazetted Patent on Drug-Food Interaction Management), Freshwey™ (Health-Food), and HealthHUB™ (Retail Health & Medicine).

EPILLO is an ERC-20 token that can be bought with multiple available cryptocurrencies, or from decentralised and centralised exchanges or minted by using the FitMint wear smart-wearable.

The goal with EPILLO is to create a sustainable economy by offering multifarious utilities in the entire Epillo Health Ecosystem while aligning the incentives for all the stakeholders of the system.

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