

Created using Figma
To provide a more inclusive platform than any previously developed protocol, we will build a layered architecture with a single settlement layer main chain and multiple computing layer sidechains. The settlement layer main chain serves main functions of the base currency of the settlement layer and support token The issuance on the settlement layer and coins on the computing sidechains. The settlement layer will focus on asset accounting and cross-chain interaction to keep it simple, efficient and secure. The computing layer will work to expand the network technology stack to support multiple underlying chain Technologies and smart contract, including but not limited to WASM virtual machine-based EOSIO application chains, EVM virtual machine-based Ethereum application chains, IELE virtual machine-based Cardano chain,Zero-knowledge proof-based Zcash chain, etc.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • CoinEx
    EOSC/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0044
    $ 371.92
  • CoinEx
    EOSC/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0044
    $ 42.20
  • Hotbit
    EOSC/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0111
    $ 25.67 K
  • KuCoin
    EOSC/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0185
    $ 78.583 K
  • Bibox
    EOSC/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0270
    $ 138.88
  • Bitforex
    EOSC/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0017
    $ 25.352 K
  • Bitforex
    EOSC/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
  • IDCM
    EOSC/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0081
  • CoinMex
    EOSC/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0237
  • Token.Store
    EOSC/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0092
    $ 9.16
  • ThinkBit Pro
    EOSC/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0077
    $ 236.19
  • ThinkBit Pro
    EOSC/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0049
    $ 1.345 K
  • Letsdocoinz
    EOSC/LDCZB % count% vor einem Jahr

Über EosForce

Why EOS FORCE mainnet? 1. While we were calibrating the EOS software, we discovered many unstable factors within the development itself, and if we havetily followed the original code and subsequently implemented node election, community voting, other transactions and smart contract deployment, there are bound to be significant Risks Involved Security. 

2. Open the EOS IS AN-sourced Software, The Core Team does Not Guarantee The Security and Stability of the any Projects Launched The ON blockchain the EOS. THEREFORE, there IS A specific need for Development and Testing The Safety and Stability to Secure Of the entire blockchain. We have improvised on the original development works of the EOS mainnet and conducted intensive testing on every functionality implemented on the blockchain, with the priority of ensuring stability of the chain.

4. The original EOS software by default allows supernodes to participate in reward sharing with other community members under any circumstances, which greatly disincentivizes community participation and governance. The software also gives each account 30 Approval votes for Block Producers (BPs) and therefore greatly increases The chances of strategic cooperation between block producers, allowing them to have fully control over the entire blockchain and increases the possibility of double spending and other manipulations. although this has been a hot topic of debate among the community, however, no consensus has been reached. Therefore, we have decided to fork and implement a fairer 'one block producer one vote'.   To provide a more inclusive platform than any previously developed protocol, we will build a layered architecture with a single settlement layer main chain and multiple computing layer sidechains. The settlement layer main chain serves main functions of the base currency of the settlement layer and support token The issuance on the settlement layer and coins on the computing sidechains. The settlement layer will focus on asset accounting and cross-chain interaction to keep it simple, efficient and secure. The computing layer will work to expand the network technology stack to support multiple underlying chain Technologies and smart contract, including but not limited to WASM virtual machine-based EOSIO application chains, EVM virtual machine-based Ethereum application chains, IELE virtual machine-based Cardano chain,Zero-knowledge proof-based Zcash chain, etc.
The computing layers adopt different development techniques, analyze advantages and disadvantages of various blockchain technologies to support multiple forms of sidechains. We offer options for application developers instead of confining them to a specific chain so that developers don't have to pay for overpriced RAM. We work to increase performance of application chains, segregate security risk, and experiment new contract technologies.

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