

Created using Figma
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Über EonHero

OUR MISSION IS Aiming to create a decentralized online virtual reality space game meta-universe platform Incorporate characters, props, and storylines into virtual social interactions, and participate in different games such as collection and development, cards, and actions

Which sections of Social fi consist of?

Incorporate characters, props, and storylines into virtual social interactions, and participate in different games such as collection and development, cards, and actions

Efficient communication, digital assets are sent Use social finance to transfer digital assets better and freely around the world Build a huge social network through Social fi blockchain finance

Token distributionr

All the benefits brought by the EHRO metaverse will be presented in the form of the native token EHRO/CTL in the game

Enter the Metaverse

The initiators of the EHRO meta-universe originate from a community of deep practitioners in the blockchain and senior NFT interest explorers. EHRO is a community consensus coin with a soul and thought. The people in the community voluntarily contribute to the project based on their own talents. The people of the EHRO meta-universe community gathered together because of consensus. Behind every dream, there is an energetic and adventurous person. They only look forward to surprises. In the world of the EHRO meta-universe, everyone can drive warships with weapons and armors, travel through the universe, and complete various tasks. Since its release, EHRO Metaverse has formed a large and creative community.

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