Created using Figma
Running greatly stimulates your heart rate and helps you burn calories especially effectively. The number of calories you burn in each minute of running will depend on your running speed and body weight.
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The thing is the warning of inactivity and bodily harm. Humans need regular activities, but the modern world is trying to pull them out of our lives. People are becoming more and more lazy which leads to serious health effects. Anxiety, depression, heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, obesity... are all caused by lack of exercise.

The solution is we can save ourselves through practice. EMOVES was born to solve all your problems. EMOVES aims to be the central platform in fitness that brings people together, fostering growth in your own personal well-being. Every step users take in EMOVES is an opportunity to fill your pocket. Achievements from EMOVES can be used in a game world or simply as NFT rewards.

Joining EMOVES challenges together is an effective way to make more friends, and increase engagement with everyone. Joining activities together helps create openness and friendliness between people, and helps people understand each other better.
Our vision is to create a virtual character that can play a major role in all Metaverses that will exist in the future. We will connect our users' profiles in the real world to their virtual world profiles. We want to expand our application and create an ideal ecosystem in the form of a new type of social media platform that has never been done before.

Our mission is to encourage users to build a healthy lifestyle. The more calories users burn, the more tokens they gain. Our mission is to help you join a community where we all have healthy lifestyles and earn money from moving hard. We also care about data privacy and want to put its control back into the hands of our users, allowing you to be the ones that decide whether or not we have access to it.

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