

Created using Figma
Elements (ELM) is a digital currency based on Blockchain technology with X11 Algo(Digishield) and works on Proof of Work (POW) .
The blocks are generated by POW technology. The basic idea behind ELM is to support Loyalty Industry with blockchain technology.

Über Elements

Merchants can significantly reduce the cost of liability by mining Elements for FREE.
A single currency accepted by multiple merchants provides an advantage to consumers. Furthermore, customers can exchange their Elements for fiat and cryptocurrencies.


Algorithm : X11 
Coin Name : Elements 
Coin Ticker : ELM 
POW Coins : 10,800,000,000 ELM 
POW Coins per Block : 50 ELM 
Maturity : 12 Blocks 
Block Time: 30 Sec
MAX Coins per day : 144000 ELM
RPC Port : 6544, P2 Port : 6455 
Premine :25% Mined in 1st block
- 10% Development Support Coins
- 15% Marketing Support Coins

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