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In the epic world, they are brave adventurers and explorers on the edge of danger…
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Über Edge-Runners

In the epic world, they are brave adventurers and explorers on the edge of danger… Explorers from web3.0 EdgeRunners is an open community where everyone can share stories and interact. It is an unrestricted collection because we believe that everyone has infinite spiritual power. A multifaceted life experience is all the ER universe offers to everyone, as each character can play different roles and reinvent and create their own new identities - experience is everything!

Taking inspiration from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, the EdgeRunners NFT project initiates Intellectual Property incubation. It is our belief that in the digital age, development has to be driven by the principles of freedom, equality, and shared governance.
In the brightly lit Night City, people are adapting to the trend of “AI-intelligent bodies” by implanting and upgrading Cyborg.


    In the ER universe,
    Good and bad are never defined in a standardized way.
    Depending on one’s values,
    One can either conform to mainstream society’s standards,
    Or challenge and refresh his or her limits on a constant basis.
    As the monotony of life becomes overwhelming,
    People are bound to look for new sources of faith.

    Great faith is the power of the human spirit.
    Dreaming of a utopian world?
    Are you willing to achieve it? It’s time for you to join the ER universe.
    Heroes embark on epic journeys,
    All the glory will be revealed.


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