Duel Network

Duel Network

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Über Duel Network

Duel Network is a gaming token on Binance Smart Chain with a number of impressive features. It is a gaming token where you can play events that are suitable for voting, such as politics, finance, state elections, especially sports.

The most important feature of Duel Network is that you never lose. You will be able to do farming by entering pools through preferences and voting without losing your capital.


User Experience for Companies

Thanks to Duel Network, companies will be able to choose the best product experience for themselves by using the preference survey pools they have created. Duel network users who participated in this survey will also be able to receive rewards.

For example, if the company is stuck between option A and option B, it will create two pools in option A and option B and allow 1 month. If there is more participation in Pool A, Pool A will win. The total reward of pools A and B will be distributed to pool A.

Competitive Farming

Duel Network will offer the possibility to duel for the first time without losing your capital. Thanks to Competitive Farming, if you vote on a match and you lose, you will only lose your bi-weekly pool reward. Your LPs will remain with you. If you win, the reward of the other pool will be distributed to your pool. The non-favourite team/person will have a higher aprs and

For example, let's consider the final of the Euro 2020 championship, two pools named Italy and England will be opened with equal multiplier. Since there is no bookmaker in the system, the System will work naturally. The favorite team's pool will have lower APR, while the non-Favorite team will have higher APR.

In this way, perhaps for the first time in the world, we will create a voting system with a 99 percent payout. (0.5 percent of each pool reward will be sent to the developer wallet as a developer fee and 0.5 percent reward will be sent affiliate wallets.)

Digital Product Ratings

The DUEL token will not only be used for farming and voting, but also for various events. One of them is Digital product rating. DUEL Holders will be bounty hunters by participating in various rating events and can win DUEL rewards.

Burning System

One thing Duel Network is planning to bring will be the burning system. Duels collected every month will be completely burned and duel holders who contribute will be rewarded.


Duel Network will have an affiliate system. If you send a ref link to your friends and put them in the system, a certain percentage of the prizes they win will be sent to your wallet in each prize distribution. In this way, you will be able to win together with your friends.

Challenges NFT

Duel Network did not forget about NFT, which is one of the important areas of the crypto world. The Challenges NFT is an NFT that can be mined under certain conditions using the ERC 721 standard. As a result of the pools won, users will be able to mint NFT under certain categories. For example, users who win awards from 5 pools in the Football category will be entitled to mint from the packs that will be updated every 3 months. Thus, early participants will be able to have more valued NFTs in each pack update and will have all usage rights of these NFTs.

Duel Governance - xDuel

Duel Network users will have the right to vote on many issues such as the emmission values in the Duel network, the determination of pools and vaults to be opened, by minting xDUEL with their duel. In addition, xDuel holders will be able to earn a certain portion of their network revenues by staking their xDuel. In addition, they will be able to profit from high-income farms opened for xDuel. They can be a liquidity provider for competition liquidity, which is planned to be launched in the coming months.


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