Drogon Inu

Drogon Inu

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Drogon Inu has Taken Flight and is coming to bathe the Bears in Dragon-Flame🔥Join Drogon Inu and make the DeFi Relm bend the knee to our community's might!
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Über Drogon Inu

Drogon Inu Gamified AMM

The Upcoming Blockchain game & Amm is a Blockchain game with an Integrated AMM very similar to DeFi Kingdoms. The Token will be used as a Utility Token to purchase in-game goods and gear which will be itemized as NFT's. 

There will also be Yeild-Farming and staking with liquidity pools integrated with the game.

 Active Development is in the beginning stages will be released on both Android and IOS with a browser playable version.

Automated Liquidity

Every  transaction contributes 7% to Liquidity ensuring price stability, sustainability, and security for all holders.

This feature ensures that the project is sustainable and scales as our community grows. Holders can also provide additional liquidity and earn interest as our market cap grows.

Every member of the Order will be able to share in the bounties of our Missions!

Secure & Decentralized

Contract Ownership was renounced, and as a result of this action no individual or entity has ownership of the contract, making our Token secure and truly decentralized.

The smart Contract was tested extensively using the testnet prior to launch to ensure absolute security and accuracy of function, it was designed to be scalable, self-sustaining, and to scale seamlessly and frictionlessly on a fully autonomous and rapidly growing DeFi ecosystem.

Interest Rewards

All holders will have their balance grow through RFI Rewards at intervals as the Community  grows.

This function will allow the Community to effectively earn interest as our Crusade and influence over the space increases.

Our mission is to ensure that the Community is rewarded equitably as our heroic mission continues!

Drogon Inu Roadmap

  • Website and Drogon Inu Fairlaunch.

    Launch on PancakeSwap!

    Contract Ownership Renunciation Leading to Decentralization.​

    Initial Social Media Marketing Push

    Community Building

    Coingeko & CoinMarketCap listing.​
  • Tiktok, Instagram, Weibo, Facebook, and Reddit Ad Campaigns.

    Influencer Partnerships and Creative Marketing

    Recruitment &Partnerships of Top Digital artists, Influencer Personalities, for NFT Creation and promotion.

    Event participation, competitions & sponsorships to boost marketing and brand presence.
  • Drogon Inu Blockchain AMM Game Launch.

    Centralized Exchange Listings.

    Smart-NFT Giveaways

    Further growth and becoming an internet and social media sensation.​


    Charity and fundraising events.

    Continuing to develop, grow and be a pioneer the community-token and NFT Space.

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