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Doublejack - The World's First iGaming Fintech ICO Launch. Through our leading technology approach and our large international community, we have the chance to become the leading partner for the entire gambling industry. Now we introduce the DJACK token, which will act as an insurance utility token and standard payment measure for every kind of online gambling you may imagine. We will first showcase DJACK on our very own lottery and online casino websites to show its capabilities and value. DoubleJack is a fintech company with its own lottery and gaming platform powered by DJACK, the Tron-based utility token, which will be developed to serve as an insurance and insurance-linked securities (ILS) backed token for online lottery and passive income system.
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Über Doublejack

We are an international community of people who share the dream of winning a fortune, having fun and doing good deeds with it. We believe that everyone can win with our approach.

You will be able to game safer, earn a substantial income in our club and even become an investor in our top notch technology solutions to enjoy a significant raise in your wealth. Whatever we save through our international locations, we give to charities worldwide, you decide. 

Doublejack Roadmap

  • Q1 - Q2 2021

  • ICO
    Establishment of fully developed online gaming platform ready to go live
    Establishment of fully developed online casino ready to go live
    Sourcing and obtaining of necessary licenses
    Building insurance solutions with established companies for the portal
    Establishing global payment solutions
    Establishing global banking solutions
    Developing charity and PR programs for all continents
    Establishing portals and social media channels
    Deployment of Smart Contract and DeFi
    Invitation of an exclusive group of founding shareholders to the company Q4/2020
  • Q2 2021

  • Integration of DJACK token in Payment Service Providers
    Showcasing DJACK token on Lottery Betting and Online Casino Platform DoubleJack.Online.
    Integration of DJACK token for major Lottery- and Casino-SoftwareProviders
    Integration of DJACK token for major Lottery and Casino Operators /Platforms
    Obtaining SEC license to roll out the ICO to the USA
  • Q3 2021

  • Foundation of a captive insurance company as a partner for (re-)insurance companies in the iGaming industry
    Roll out of DJACK token into insurance industry in iGaming risk class
    Roll out of DJACK token to all iGaming providers
    Opening peer to peer exchange to manage DJACK circulation in the market
    DJACK into DeFi
    Financial freedom through Staking / Lending / Borrowing
    On-demand exchange OTC
  • Q4 2021

  • Formation of an ILS fund company (Insurance Linked Securities)
    DJACK to become Universal Insured iGaming Currency Token
    Spread out to other risk classes in the insurance branch (with eventually taking care of climate change induced incidents, in development already)
    Independent insurance and ILS funding with institutional investors

Doublejack Mannschaft

Verifiziert 8%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Falk Maschitzki
Frank Ehlert
Beat Geissler
Business Development Insurance
Ian Campbell
Chief Sales Officer
Elis Li
Sales Asia ASPAC and Global Marketing Officer
Mohana Sundaram
Vignesh M
Product Development Officer
Ranjith Babu
Senior UI/UX Designer
Hafiz Ahamed
UI Developer
Veera Sarma
Blockchain Full Stack Developer
Thirupathi A
Expert unity 3D and full stack developer
Bernhard Schluep
Moshe Carmi


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Ajay Nixon
ICO Advisor Project Manager

Doublejack Interviews

Frank Ehlert
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am responsible for the whole marketing, going public and other foreign affairs of the doubejack platforms. The Casino / Lottery portal, the club-page and the token-sale page.
What do you think about idea?
It is an excellent opportunity to combine the worldwide growing markets of gaming with the future of crypto. The doublejack Token is a new and innovative addition to iGaming. It's backed by 1% of doublejack's revenue, giving it real-world value and stability. The Token can be used for transactions within the platform, creating a win-win situation for players and the company.

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