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Dogemoon World's Best Community Token! Just hold Dogemoon in your wallet and you will get more. On each transaction the protocol automatically distributes rewards to holders as well as auto-burn liquidity.
To be announced
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Über Dogemoon

Dogemoon is one of the first charity tokens on BSC. It has multiple features to ensure a long-lasting project.
These features include, auto burns to a locked liquidity and auto staking mechanics, a key difference is a 6% tax for charity and marketing that is automatically turned into bnb this will make sure price doesn’t drop, and also this will ensure that we can let the world know about dogemoon while also focusing on giving that auto yield back to charities to help the less fortunate.
Dogemoon has the goal of using blockchain technology to help charities and communities around the world that do not have the same opportunities.

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