Doge Dating Day

Doge Dating Day

Created using Figma
After the success and fame doge has achieved, today he fall in a love story,right now he is on mission to the moon, to arrive for his date with his girlfriend.
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Pre Sale
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Limit 20.00
Harte Kappe 40.00
Weitere Details

Über Doge Dating Day

Doge Dating Day ($DogeDatingDay) combines many innovative aspects into one complete smart contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Combining a team of DeFi marketing experts with such unique and effective tokenomics helps ensure a complete moonshot for diamond-handed investors! The smart contract has been specifically designed to ensure
three critical components: First, USDT rewards automatically.

Second, manual buyback wallet that keeps growing and enables us to expand the project.

Third, a marketing . Without marketing and hype, a project is sure to die, especially in crypto where a week seems like a month The manual buyback is such a huge part of our secret sauce. As the team rolls out new marketing initiatives, they’re able to make the chart look bullish and attractive for new investors.

In addition, big sells are more likely to be absorbed with this buyback should the development time view it as a strategic buying opportunity to help the chart. Through this, we can buy at very specific levels and create new floors, breaking past areas of resistance or forming new support.

Combining all of the above with the support from MASSIVE influencers, the first swap specifically for the hottest meme coins on the market!

Doge Dating Day Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Build a big community on Telegram
    Develop contract
    Website Launch
    contract audit by Rate Tech
    Whitepaper Release
    First Marketing Endeavors
    (Reddit ; Twitter ; Telegram)
    Releasing the Presale information
    Public Presale
  • Phase 2

  • Pre-Launch Marketing
    Launch on Pancakeswap
    After Launch Marketing Push

    NFT Market Place
    Community contests
    Huge Marketing
    Listing on CMC
  • Phase 3

  • Listing on CG
    1M Market cap
    Market place building
    Listing on bigger exchanges

Doge Dating Day Letzte Nachrichten

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