Doge Capital

Doge Capital

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Doge Capital is a collection of 5000 cute 24x24 pixel art collection on the Solana Blockchain. Holding a Doge Capital grants membership to the Woof Club and owner exclusive perks. Monkeys and Apes have been having fun for too long so we have decided to join them. Woof!
To be announced
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Über Doge Capital

If you would like to know where to buy DAWG, the top cryptocurrency exchange for trading in DAWG stock is currently Raydium. You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page.

$DAWG is the official token of the Doge Capital ecosystem. Doge Capital is a NFT collection on the Solana blockchain consisting of 5000 unique NFTs including utility airdrops along with the $DAWG token at its core.

This token can be earned by staking the Doge Capital NFTs and additional airdrops per day(5 $DAWG tokens for staking a Doge NFT and 1 $DAWG token per additional NFT, per day). Withdrawing the $DAWG token rewards from the website will unstake all NFTs and burn 1 airdrop token.

The token will also serve as a currency for different utilities within the Doge Capital ecosystem like buying exclusive Merchandise, changing NFT metadata, member exclusive events etc.

Doge Capital Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Lead Developer
Marketing Head

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