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DogData uses the blockchain and a P2p token ecosystem to manage decentralised Dog care practises. Improving Dog welfare and saving Dog Owners Money. DogData leverages the knowledge and experience of Dogs breeders using advanced technologies and a gamified system to make Dog welfare rewarding. DogData is the first platform tokenizing exchanged community interaction or knowledge and experience Data. Rewarded with Dog breed specific suggested product and service discount tokens that create an ecosystem through Dog life data analysis (AI). DogData empowers blockchain technology for registry of Dog births erc721, infinitely securely recording immutably Dog life data, including Rabies and Corona virus vaccination immunisation blood test dates. has launched in 2020 five functional MVPs using blockchain, erc20 tokens and erc20 cryptocurrency aiming to modernise and decentralise the multi trillion-dollar Dog industry
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MVP / Prototyp

Über DogData

We have created integrated solutions using the best technology to make Dog owner's lives easier and reward them for Dog care & welfare activities and save them money in the process.
First international Dog registration on blockchain
First Dog ID asset token
First multidimensional Dog pedigree database
First time stamped immutable Dog vaccination, immunization and life data vault using blockchain
First smart contract for Dog sales
First sale contract with paid care and welfare milestones
First Dog breeding prediction engine using big data, machine learning and AI
First use of AI to reduce genetic Dog health defects
First Dog knowledge exchange building Dog care and welfare knowledge
First gamified system built for Dog owner's
First Dog event and Dog show mobile app
First mobile enabled Dog show ticketing system
First suggestive marketplace for Dogs
First tool to learn from top breeders
First incentivized, gamified reward tokens for Dog owner's
First discount token economy for Dog owner's
First tool using community power to save money for all Dog owner's

DogData Roadmap

  • 2019 Q3

  • Token model development
    Market research development
    Team development
    DogData.CH homepage design
  • 2019 Q4

  • DogData.CH website launch
    Team development
    Etherbone ETHBNT smart contract on Etherscan
    Mobile app development
    Digital DogID design
  • 2020 Q1

  • DogExpert blog development
    Launch Smart Dog Sale Contract MVP
    DogDate Mobile app MVP in AppStore and Play
    Round 1 seed investment completed
    Develop and Launch PedigreeChain Microchip and immunisation blockchain
    EtherBone ETHBN smart contract on Etherscan
    Create GTM plan
  • 2020 Q2

  • DNAHunter Dog Breed finder. (AI) MVP
    User private profile and wallet development
    DogDate app Event ticket sales launch
    EtherBone IEO (ETHBN)
    P2p completed Smart Dog Sale contract welfare milestone token rewards
    DogExpert ASK and ANSWER P2p tokenized knowledge exchange
    Launch 4Dogs suggestive marketplace (AI)
  • Weiterlesen
  • 2020 Q3

  • Facebook DogPage builder
    Rabies vaccination Blockchain retailer partnerships
    Deep, users Dog Data analysis
    DNAHunter Breeding Algorithm (AI)
    Puppy Police virtual pet watch
    Dog sales using crypto through Marketplace
  • 2020 Q4 - 2021 Q1

  • BestinInShow Exhibiting Algorithm (AI)
    DogsOnTour Accommodation Marketplace
    DogTaxi Travel Marketplace
  • 2020 Q2 - 2021 Q4

  • DogShow entry through social media and Mobile app
    Insurance marketplace
    Dog Breeding Industry Business management software
    Dog Groomers Work cam
    Online Virtual DogShows

DogData Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Richard Dene Hill


$4 200 000

Thomas Melchior
Ksenia Obukhova
COO Listing
Mohana Sundaram
Blockchain CTO

DogData Letzte Nachrichten

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