Digital Wallet

Digital Wallet

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The world has become and entered into an age where human resources move and cooperate with each other across the world due to the remarkable evolution of transportation methods, improvement of communication infrastructure, and human resources through exchanged policies and treaties. Digital Wallet Group has already established a Fintech based mobile wallet service in Japan that supports the life of International Citizens. But to further expand the service in each country, users can easily invest using crypto currency. We would like to provide such financial services that can be done. We hereby propose to you the Digital Wallet Project. This project is based on an existing and already profitable service by Digital Wallet Corporation (Japan). Furthermore, we strive to make crypto currency a more universal and continuous financial platform through Digital Wallet Project.
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Über Digital Wallet

The world has become and entered into an age where human resources move and cooperate with each other across the world due to the remarkable evolution of transportation methods, improvement of communication infrastructure, and human resources through exchanged policies and treaties. Immigrants in OECD countries have exceeded at a pace of 4 million per year and has been steadily increasing in recent years.

With this increase in global flows, international remittance volume across countries are increasing year by year, and is expected to reach 667 billion USD in 2019. The economic zone of citizens living an international life is expanding, but on the other hand, the financial platforms including existing banking network is not yet addressed to the active international exchanges of living and investment funds. The current situation is that we have not yet caught up in terms of speed, cost, and customer support.

Digital Wallet Group has already established a fintech based mobile wallet service in Japan that supports the life of International Citizens. But to further expand the service in each country, users can easily invest using crypto currency. We would like to provide such financial services that can be done. We hereby propose to you the Digital Wallet Project.

Digital Wallet was set up in 2014 by the founder who had engaged for many years at Sony to develop and operate Mobile Payments, electronic money, contactless IC technology, and cloud technology. The team is composed and consists with professional members with backgrounds in global banking, financial technology engineering, user experience designing, and etc.

The Digital Wallet group has succeeded in building such services and is monetizing the business effectively. Furthermore, we are scheduling to make this a widely used infrastructure in each country. We also plan to develop a sustainable social infrastructure to not only contribute, but to continuously improve in the value of crypto currency.

We strive to make crypto currency a more universal and continuous financial platform through Digital Wallet Project.

Digital Wallet Roadmap

  • July 2019

  • Ongoing Preparation.
    Acquisition of a Fintech company in the Philippines and preparation for
    investments service have been projects in progress.
    IEO (Initial Exchange Offer)
    Launch of DWC Token. Distribution of Token to purchaser to start.
    Pre Sale
    For limited people only, Option Sale Purchase for Digital Wallet Token starts.
    DWC Token will be developed based on ERC20 format and distributed to the
    owners of purchase option.
    Digital Wallet Project Commencement
    With the budget established by DWC Token sale, Digital Wallet Project will
    start for expansion of wallet service and investment service development.
  • Q3 2019

  • Wallet Service Commencement
    Mobile Wallet Service shall immediately commence right after the
    acquisition of Fintech company in the Philippines,
  • Q4 2019

  • Investment Service Commencement
    Will initiate to acquire investment projects in Asian countries and start
    investment services.
    DWC Token Listing
    Listing of DWC Token is planned to provide liquidity delivering
    availability of the Token to the public.
  • Q2 2020

  • Expansion of Project
    Digital Wallet Project will be expanded to Asian and European countries.

Digital Wallet Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Eiji Miyakawa
Founder & CEO of Digital Wallet Group
Alex Rapi Milan
EVP,Digital Wallet Corporation
Hiroshi Nakayama
CTO, Digital Wallet Corporation
Tsutomu Kawachi
Director, Digital Wallet Corporation
Takeru Kaneko
Director,Digital Wallet Corporation

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