Digital oCoin

Digital oCoin

Created using Figma
Digital oCoin is a Virtual Private Server Provider (Powered by Ethereum)
To be announced
Selfdrop: 10,000,000 DoC

Airdrop: 6,000,000 DoC

Team: 5,000,000 DoC

Total: 21,000,000 DoC
Weitere Details

Über Digital oCoin


Digital oCoin Exchange
Demand for currencies is increasing now and nowadays there are a lot of exchange services on the market,but their platform and working conditions not responding to trader's needs and also with the charging big fees.Our exchange services will cover 8 popular cryptocurrency pairs in initial stage and all of them will be connected to DoC token.Without any problems you can buy and sell currencies with our modern platform.After some month we are planning to add fiat currencies soon

DoC Cashback Crediting
As there are big audiences of buyers on our VPN Services,they need some promotions and also bonuses on the time of their purchasing on our VPN Services.Our Cashback Crediting Service will help to the both sides sellers and buyers to get benefits from services.

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