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DevelopmentFinanceNetwork provide high-quality and secure services in the cryptocurrency world. The platform is only at the launch stage. Currently it's token sale stage. In this stage contributors can buy tokens at presales and support all projects of DevFi platform in the future.
Pre Sale
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
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Über DevFi.Network

DevFi platform plans to realize its own Wallet and Exchange.

At the moment, the project has implemented its own cryptocurrency DEVFI, which is based on the ERC20 Ethereum token standart. 50 000 000 DEVFI will be distributed while presale period is running. After that raised fund will be sent to the Uniswap platform as a liquidity. Not distributed tokens will be burn instantly after presale period will over. Exchange, wallet and other cryptocurrency services will be deployed in Q1-Q2 of 2021.

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