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Decimal blockchain infrastructure to create dapps for developers: Tools & Services. Decimal is the best blockchain supporting builders around the world. Decimalchain is a "construction" of liquid cryptocurrencies. And the very possession of any Decimal blockchain coin makes it possible to get profit.
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Über Decimal

Decimal is a blockchain that allows you to easily and quickly create your own custom coins. For a huge variety of use cases. It stands out with a high level of safety, stability, reliability and is easy to use and understand for everyone. Decimal is available and popular within a wide range of users around the world. Indeed, on its basis people can develop and promote their own projects.

The blockchain is based on the Cosmos SDK. Thus, Decimal is compatible with all blockchains within the Cosmos network, communicating via IBC (Inter Blockchain Communication Protocol).

Blockchain Decimalchain has found its application in business, management, and process automation solutions. Even with the basic functionality that was provided at the start:
- Coin Creation;
- Sending Coins;
- Minting and coin burning;
- Delegation;
- Creation and repayment of receipts;
- Validator node management.
The user gets the whole experience of the blockchain.

The Decimal Smart network can interact with ether-like blockchains, creating collateral-free ERC20 tokens, NFT ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens that can be sent seamlessly to other networks.

The Decimal team is always working on creating new solutions and improving services. The most critical and valuable technologies are being implemented in the blockchain. This allows users to access modern, reliable technologies without having to learn them.

Decimal Roadmap

  • Q3 2022

  • 1. Smart contracts — placement of smart contracts in the blockchain, verification of smart contracts, interaction through transactions, display in the Observer;
    2. Moving your delegated coins from one validator to another validator;
    3. Wallet branding (a public signature of the owner of the wallet/contract address in the blockchain);
    4. Ability to put custom tokens in the NFT reserve
    5. Dynamic commission for transactions and coin creation.
  • Q4 2022

  • 1. Integration into the Metamask browser extension;
    2. Integration with Ledger — storage, sending transactions and DEL delegation on Ledger devices
    3. The function of creating tokens (collateral-free ERC standards) in the Decimal Console, including the ability to change the issue after creation;
    4. Cosmos IBC — integration of Decimal into the Cosmos network via the IBC protocol.
  • Q1 2023

  • 1. NFT bridge from Decimal to the Cosmos network and back via the IBC protocol;
    2. Coin transfer from Decimal to the Cosmos network and back via the IBC protocol;
    3. Transfer tokens from Decimal to the Cosmos network and back via the IBC protocol;
    4. DEX is a decentralized exchange similar to Uniswap and Pancakeswap;
    5. Launchpad is a platform for promoting and seeking funding for various crypto projects. Developers and creators can demonstrate their products and get quick access to the market with placement on Decimal, a decentralized exchange.
  • Q2 2023

  • 1. Creating an algorithmic Stablecoin Decimal;
    2. DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization, software built on Decimal smart contracts;
    3. The Decimal user community owns the issue and participates in project management and process organization.
  • Weiterlesen
  • Q3 2023

  • 1. Running a sidechain for NFT with IPFS implementation.
  • Q4 2023

  • 1. Browser Extension Wallet Decimal is a decentralized application for storing coins, Decimal tokens, secure and convenient interaction with the blockchain and Decimal services.

Decimal Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Anatoly Berdnikov
Chief executive officer
Dmitriy Stepanov
Dmitriy Stepanov


$4 500 000

Aldar Sandanov
Aldar Sandanov
Mikhail Grechka
Project manager

Decimal Letzte Nachrichten

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