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Die dClinic-Plattform bietet ein Shared-Care-Modell, bei dem Patienten im Mittelpunkt stehen. Für die Betreuung sorgen Anbieter, Kliniker, Experten, Organisationen und sogar Angehörige von Pflegeteams von Familien. d Die Klinik stellt den Patienten in den Mittelpunkt der Pflege und durchdringt oft die Ziegelmauer, wodurch der Zugang zur Pflege eingeschränkt wird. dClinic macht es auch Verbrauchern möglich.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Limit 20 000 000.00 USD
Harte Kappe 50 000 000.00 USD
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details

Über dClinic

Die meisten Kliniken und medizinischen Einrichtungen folgen heutzutage einem traditionellen One-to-One-Modell der Interaktion zwischen Patienten und Anbietern, wodurch der Anbieter (Kliniker) in den Mittelpunkt der Betreuung eines Patienten gestellt wird. Das Problem bei diesem Modell ist, dass es den Anbietern nicht immer leicht ist, sich mit anderen Leistungserbringern zu beraten und dann den Fortschritt des Patienten als Teil eines ganzheitlichen, gemeinsam genutzten Versorgungsplans (Longitudinal EHR) zu verfolgen. Dieses Modell wird gefräst und erstellt Datensilos. dClinics und blockchain zielen darauf ab, diese Silos aufzubrechen und Echtzeitansichten der Gesundheitsreise eines Verbrauchers zu liefern. Die Experten von dClinic haben nach langjähriger Zusammenarbeit mit Anbietern, Regierungen und Gesundheitsorganisationen erkannt, dass eine zukunftsorientiertere, von der Blockchain unterstützte Plattform für die Gesundheitsfürsorge implementiert werden muss, um die traditionellen Barrieren dieser One-on-One-Interaktionen und Datensilos zu überwinden. < / p>

dClinic Roadmap

  • 2016

  • -Start of the dClinic Platform Building
    -Built Shared Care Planning
    -Built Telemedicine Platform for Shared Care Planning
    -Built open EHR storage
    -Built FHIR APIs
    -Develop dClinic Beta Sites
  • 2018

  • -Completed V1.0 build of the dClinic platform
    -Completed and start operating dClinic Sites (Clinic and Hospital) in Indonesia
    -Negotiated new dClinic Sites (Clinics and Hospitals) in Indonesia
    -Negotiated Indonesian Expert Healthcare Service Delivery Partner
    -Negotiated development office in Indonesia
  • Q1 2018

  • -Engaged Advisory Group of Doctors and Experts in Healthcare abd Blockchain
    -Prepared dClinic Token sale.
  • Q2 2018

  • -Finalised dClinic Token sale
    -Audit Website and White Paper
    -Start dClinic Platform Built V2.0
    -Start Block-chaining dClinic's open EHR platform
    -Audit Smart Contracts
  • Weiterlesen
  • Q3 2018

  • -Launch dClinic Token sale
    -Continue building of dClinic Pltaform enabled with Blockchain for transportable EHR
    -Prepare dClinic Health Coin Loyalty Membership program
    -Formulate plans for at least 2 Bitcoin Listings including one in Indonesia
  • Q4 2018

  • -Release final Implementation plans for individual Indonesian Projects
    -Sanur One Day Hospital Project starts
    -Villa Little Hansa Wellness Centre Project Starts
    -Start Sanur Development Office Project
    -Finalise plans for at least 2 Bitcoin Listing including one in Indonesia
  • Q1 2019

  • -Launch dClinic Platform V2.0
    -Formulate dClinic Platform Release Roadmap for next 2 years
    -Listing of DHC on at least 2 Bitcoin Exchanges starts
    -Clinical Trial Services Project starts
    -ASIH Women's and Children's Hospital Project starts
  • Q2 2019

  • -Kerobokan Vitality Centre Project starts
    -Sohid Sahirman Hospital Project Starts
  • Q3 2019

  • -Implementing Indonesian Projects
  • Q4 2019

  • -Release dClinic Platform V3.0
    -Release FHIR APIs to the wider market for 3rd party App builders to make use of our dClinic Platform and EHR
  • Q1 2020

  • -Prepare dClinic Franchisee Model. Marketing and Sales strategy for dClinic worldwide. In particular, Malaysia, Philipines, Brazil, Miami and Australia
  • Q2 2020

  • -Initiate Franchise opportunities in newly emerging markets
    -Increase dClinic Health Coin Loyalty Membership program
    -Continue Implementing Indonesian Projects
  • Q3 2020

  • -Continue Implementing Indonesian Projects
    -Explore more Franchise opportunities in newly emerging markets
    -Increase dClinic Health Coin Loyalty Membership program
  • Q4 2020

  • -Develop a Global Franchise program
    -Carstensz Vitality Centre Project starts
  • 2022

  • All Indinesian Projects operational

dClinic Mannschaft

Verifiziert 86%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Dr. Richard Satur
CEO & dClinic Founder
Sachin Gupta
CIO and dClinic Co-Founder
Ashwani Modi
COO and dClinic Co-Founder
Doctor Robby Thoeng
CEO & Chairman VLM, Clinician
Brad Gillan
Syed Abbas
Stephen Moo
Product Roadmap Manager


Verifiziert 77%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Jairo Romo Marugan
Blockchain & Fintech Sr. Global Advisor
Manoj Deb
Blockchain Expert
Alfredo Campana
Blockchain Analyst
Rishu Gupta
Legal Counsel
Jeff Parker Fchsm
Managing Director
Dr. Ni Komang Yeni D...
Dr.triatmo Budi Yuwo...
Sari Mckinnon
Management Consultant
Roger Hewitt
Senior eHealth Consultant
John Whellum
eHealth Business Consultant
Anthony O'neill
Solution Architect
John Groome
Senior Digital Health Architect
Linda Wakeling
Management Consultant, eHealth

dClinic Interviews

Dr. Richard Satur
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the founder and CEO
Sachin Gupta
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am CIO of dClinic. This ICO will create revolution in healthcare industry.
Ashwani Modi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Changing the way medical treatment executes. Keeping the patient at the center of care and family member to be part of the patient wellbeing journey.
Jairo Romo Marugan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am convince believer, a global advisor and a contributor to the development, strategy, and expansion of dClinic platform and its utility token.

dClinic is a revolutionary digital platform that combining concepts as Big Data, CA, Algorithms, Design Thinking, User Experience, and DLT-Blockchain is disrupting the Helthcare system providing an incredible 360 customer journey.

This is the first time in the market that we see the use of a utility token as the intersection of: reward concept, ownership and digital representation of Real-World Property.

I firmly believe in the use of modern leadership methods (staff motivation and involvement in both decision-making and target-setting), clarity in communication, and easy inter-personal relationships, (supported by enterprise agile operational methodologies, technology disruptors, and strategic partners). Developing a natural habit of Innovation.

I am also a convince defender of technology as instrument of disruption, business model transformation and sustainable growth providing an enormous and measurable impact on efficiency, productivity and customer satisfaction.
Brad Gillan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Syed Abbas
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
dClinic will be the global first to vertically integrate a holistic patient centric approach to care and wellness with the blockchain enabled technology to support this delivery model. My role is to ensure the vision is executed with a strategy that offers positive financial returns.
Stephen Moo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Product Roadmap Manager
Manoj Deb
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
This is manoj deb.I have 22 years of experience in IT and Blockchain.
Alfredo Campana
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the blockchain analyst & advisor, I am helping geniuses like doctor Satur place their Electronical Medical Records technology on the blockchain. Empowering patients & doctors to have easy access to patients medical history.
Rishu Gupta
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Legal Counsel
Jeff Parker FCHSM
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Digital health advice and support
Sari McKinnon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Digital health advisory services and support.
Roger Hewitt
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Digital Health Guidance - Primary Care
Anthony O'Neill
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Digital health advice and support.
John Groome
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Digital health advice and support
Linda Wakeling
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Digital health advice and support

dClinic Letzte Nachrichten

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