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Darkcoin is a experiment in re-creating the bitcoin phenomena which transits into the Meta Verse. Telegram : https://t.me/darkcoindmv
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To be announced
Registrierter Firmenname
Dark Universe Inc.
Eingetragenes Land
United States
Weitere Details
Plattform, Technologie


We are recreating the bitcoin phenomena bit by bit with a touch of many utilities included. Defi, Dex, Nft, MetaVerse and many more to come.


Just One Token with 51 Million Supply. That's it!

There are only 51 million tokens ever created on the Ethereum platform. This ERC20 token has no burning mechanism, no reducing supply hence no drama at all. We plan to built our own network in the future and will be shifted to the it. The short term for this token is DMV which stands for “Dark Meta Verse”.

The basic idea of this token is to have limited supply with as many utilities as possible. The entire ecosystem will be build on this idea and that’s what makes the foundation stronger.

We hope to build this as we envisioned. But it will not be possible without the support of our community.

We know many coins and tokens claim to be the bitcoin killer, but we would like to be the real one.

About Us!

We are a cryptocurrency enthusiast turned blockchain developers who live in different parts of the world. We are excited to turn this vision into a reality. We are just normal people who works to make a living around the world.

This project has been visioned & bootstrapped by its anonymous founder named AMIR who is also a blockchain developer. Read More about him here.



Dark Wallet

Developing the mobile wallet for IOS & Android for the ease of transaction and to hold the coins securely.

Decentralized Payments

A world class payment gateway for people and merchants as well.

Dark Swap (DEX)

The is no better place to trade and earn passive income than DEX itself.

Dark NFT Marketplace

A marketplace for the artist in you as well as our own NFT which will create wonders in the MetaVerse.

Smart Contracts

The combination of Ethereum, Polygon & Solana with the fastest & lowest transaction fees.

Decentralized Blockchain

In the future as we develop, We plan to build our own decentralized network for scalability.


A state of the art dapp feature with efficient UX/UI interface for new developers.


The governance and the voting system for all the future developments.


The MetaVerse with world class graphics that you have never seen before and will be inspired by Marvel movies.



  • Roadmap

  • Verified on etherscan
    Listing on Uniswap
    Website development
    Third party Audit
    Listing on CoinMarketCap
    Listing on Coingeko
    Develop Dark Wallet
    Develop Payment Gateway
    Develop Dark Dex
    Develop NFT Marketplace
    Launching own NFT
    Develop Smart Contract
    Develop Own BlockChain
    Develop Metaverse

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